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80. ---- I can't see the blackboard very well.  ---- Perhaps you need ______.

   A. to examine your eyes           B. to have your eyes examined

   C. to have examined your eyes        D. to be examined your eyes


79. The pencil ______ well.

   A. writes       B. is written      C. was written     D. writing


78. My hair is so long that I must go to a barber's shop and______.

   A. have to cut it    B. have it cut     C. get it to be cut    D. to cut it


77. Mathematics is difficult ______.

   A. to learn      B. for learning    C. to be learned    D. of learning


76.     to have been rich.

   A. They say     B. It is said        C. He is said      D. That was said


75. Do you remember ______ ?

   A. how it is done       B. it how to be done       C. How is it done by       D. how to do


74. The classroom ______ 30 feet long.

   A. measures    B. is measured     C. has       D. has length


73. He received a telegram ___ "Mother Sick."

   A. written   B. said      C. reading        D. writing


72. In warm weather fruit and meat ______ long.

   A. don't keep   B. cannot be kept      C. are not kept    D. are not keeping


71. How sweet the music ______!

   A. sounds to be   B. is sounded        C. is sounded to be     D. sounds

