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31. -Only one in ten students are for the picnic plan.  -You mean the _____ of students are against it?   -Yeah.

A.majority         B.little              C.most              D.few


30. -Every one of us Chinese people should do ____“Eight honors and eight disfraces(八荣八耻)” tell us to. -Yes, the first one is to “Love, and don’t harm our motherland.”

   A.how              B.when             C.as               D.why


29. A 3G mobile phone, _________ to be most useful and fashionable, is popular with some teenagers.

A. consider         B. considering         C. considered           D .to be considered


28. It’s true that everyone loves a mystery, ________ when it mixes history with fiction. That’s why “The Da Vinci Code”(《达芬奇密码》) is so popular.

A.especially            B.equally            C.totally            D.finally


27. -Please drop me a line if you have time.  -I don’t enjoy ____, but I’ll come to see you as often as possible.

A.telephoning         B.writing           unicating      D.visiting


26. _____2008 coming to us closer and closer, all the projects of the 2008 Olympic Games are being prepared.

A.As well as          B.Instead of             C.Except for         D.With


25. As we know, the Dragon Boat Festival was _______up to remember Qu Yuan, a famous poet over 2000 years ago. 

A.stayed            B.ended             C.set               D.taken


24. Julia is not only into ____classical music, but also has ___good knowledge of Chinese rock ‘n’ roll.

A.the;不填         B.不填;不填        C.the;a              D.不填;a


23. -Shall we go to the cinema this evening?-Sorry I can’t. I’m ______ my mum at the airport at 7:00.

A.carrying away      B.sending away    C.putting off          D.seeing off


22. At the turning point, one should think twice before he or she makes a healthy________.

A.award             B.choice           C.action           D.scene

