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14. I was busy yesterday, otherwise I ___ your birthday party.

  A. attended  B. had attended  C. would attend  D. would have attended


13. Don’t worry. The students have decided to ______ a peaceful solution.

  A. put up with    B. come up with   C. keep up with  D. bring forward


12. Without my glasses, I couldn’t _______ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.

A. make out      B. make up       C. make for    D. make off


11. He didn’t pass the exam. He regretted ______ harder.

A. not having worked         B. having not worked

C. to have not worked             D. not to work


10. --- Why are you so late?

--- I was on the way when it _______ to me that I had left my book home, so I had to fetch it.

A. occurred           B. hit         C. happened    D. reminded


9. -- Can I smoke here?

--- Sorry, we are not allowed ______. It is a No-smoking place.

  A. people smoking  B. smoking    C. people smoke   D. to smoke


8. It’s quite a long time _______ Yao Ming was injured, but it won’t be long _______ he returns to the court.

A. since; before   B. after; when       C. before; since         D. that; when


7. Dalian is _______ most attractive coastal city and how I wish I would go there for _______ second time.

A. a; a      B. the; a      C. the; the       D. the; a


6. The conference had been held last week in the Y city to discuss the effects of tourism _______ the wild life in the area.

A. in        B. on             C. at             D. with



A. passport  B. effort  C.  forbid  D. forgive

第二节: 单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

