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One possible version:


   A smoking ban in all indoor public places in China, such as hotels and restaurants, has taken effect since May 1, 2011, but the survey we have recently conducted shows that the phenomenon of smoking still exists in about 40% of the indoor public places around our school.

As we know, smoking is harmful to health. It contributes a lot to lung cancer, of which many people have died in the past years. What’s worse, it can also cause many other diseases. Not only smokers themselves suffer from these smoking-related diseases, but also non-smokers around them have to breathe tobacco-polluted air.

For the sake of our health, “no smoking” signs must be put up in indoor public places so that smokers can be kindly reminded not to smoke there. In addition, those who break this rule should be strictly punished by law. However, the most important is that every one of us should improve the awareness and take the responsibility to carry out the smoking ban.

Best wishes!

                                Yours Sincerely

                                  Li Hua  


Hello, everyone. In recent years people around the world may feel it that the climate has been

getting warmer and warmer. Places which used to be rich snowfall have no snow in winters.


However, in some areas droughts lasted longer and people find they can hardly work or fall sleep

              last                      asleep

without air conditioners. The side effects of global warming are frightened. It melts the ice caps,


causing sea levels to rise rapid. It also disturbs weather patterns, where results in many natural disaster.

           rapidly              which          disasters

Global warming has a effect on both us and our next generations. We should devote ourselves to stop

         an                             stopping

global warming.


84. because       85. be warned     86. Unfortunately  87. homes         88. burned      


79. working      80. database      81. which       82.Having collected  83. predict


69. Actually        70. pour         71.delighted      72. quantity      73.anxious       74. sponsors      75. predict      76. Meanwhile   77. Waving     78. informed


34-35 CD        36-40 BCBDA    41-45 CBABD        46-48 ACD


18-20 DBA       21-25 CBCAB    26-30 DACBD        31-33 CDA


(Text 1)

W: My neighbor is making a lot of noise. I can’t read my books at all.

M: Why not go to the library? It will be much better there.

(Text 2)

M: I’ll stay in an apartment off-campus for the time being. It’s convenient enough.

W: Are you crazy? Don’t be silly. That will cost you a lot of money.

(Text 3)

W: Where are you going to spend your holiday, Mr.Brown?

M: I want to see some animals with my family. The monkeys and elephants there are really lovely.

(Text 4)

M: Linda, did you watch the football game yesterday?

W: Yes, it was wonderful. What about you?

M: Oh, no. I wanted to watch it, but my mother was watching a soap opera on Channel 1. So I had to watch with her. You know, my mother hates football.

(Text 5)

W: I have joined a sports club and I can enjoy a 20 percent discount when buying the products under this brand.

M: Really? I want to join too. What shall I do?

W: You should hand in an application first. It’s done on the internet, so it’s very convenient.

M: I see. Thank you.

(Text 6)

M: Was that the telephone ringing?

W: I didn’t hear anything.

M: I thought I heard it ring two or three times.

W: Sometimes when the windows are open, you can hear the neighbor’s phone.

M: Well, I’m expecting an important phone call, and I don’t want to miss it.

W: Is it anything I should know about?

M: Not really. It has something to do with work and doesn’t really affect us here at home.

W: Well, why don’t you go ahead and do what you wanted to do outside. I’ll call you if the phone rings for you.

M: Thanks. I think I will. I’ve been waiting so long now. I’m getting nervous. I need to calm down outdoors.

(Text 7)

W: I hear there will be a football competition between all senior schools next month. Is that so?

M: That’s true.

W: Would you please go into some more details?

M: Well the competition will be held in our school and it will begin on August 11th. The competition will last for a whole week.

W: Anything else?

M: Yes, both the girls and boys competition will be held at the same time. The girls’ competition will be held in the morning and the boys’ competition will be held in the afternoon.

W: Yes? Sounds exciting.

M: We are both members of our school football teams. We should be ready for it.

W: Of course. It’s been a long time since we had a football competition. I’m really looking forward to another one.

M: Me, too.

 (Text 8)

M: Skylight Hotel Reservation.

W: I want to reserve a room, please.

M: Certainly, madam. When would you like to stay?

W: Next Thursday night, that’s the 15th.

M: And what type of room would you like? Single or double?

W: Um, there were two of us going, but now it’s only me, so... just a single room, please.

M: If you’d give me just a moment, please… Yes, we do have a single room available on the 15th. The room rate is ninety dollars.

W: Wow! Boy… that’s a bit more than I expected to pay.

M: Well, you can try calling other hotels, but you’ll find this is pretty standard.

W: Uh… OK. I don’t have the time to call around and I know you’re probably right.

M: Great. Let me go ahead then and reserve a room for you. Can you tell me your name, please?

W: It’s Mrs. Homer, Peggy Homer.

(Text 9)

Good morning everybody. I’m Robert Speed, your meeting chair for today-Wednesday 25th March. It’s good to see so many of you here early in the morning. Before we start, there are one or two announcements. Firstly, the meeting of tomorrow morning has been put off to tomorrow afternoon, and in its place we’ll have a performance by the Youth Theater Group-that is at 9:30. Now turn to today, there are one or two small changes. Unfortunately, our first speaker this morning has been ill. And we’re very grateful to Dinna Dekker for stopping in and agreeing to give the talk instead. As a result of this, the coffee break will be brought forward from 10:00 to 9:30. And Dinna Dekker’s after coffee discussion will be held here in the meeting hall, not in Room 201. Ok. That’s all. Thank you.

1-5 BCABC      6-10 ABCBA     11-15CACBC         16-17 BA

