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32. The people who objected to cloning human beings went on strike and _________ the traffic.

A. cut through        B. faded out      C. held on           D. held up                                                                                       


31. Only after he realized the significance of mastering two languages __________ English carefully.

   A. did he set about learning             B. did he set out learning 

C. had he set about learning             D. had he set out learning


30._________ with common sense can tell the difference between the two.

    A. Whoever      B. No matter who      C. Anyone           D. Who     


29. _________ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic  

  about the future of the country.

A. Convincing      B. Convinced        C. To convince        D. Having convinced


28. Recently a survey _______ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused

  a heated discussion among citizens.  

A. comparing    B. compared        C. compares       D. being compared


27. The engine of the bus was _________,and the bad weather added to the worries of the passengers.

   A. in vain           B. in good condition    C. out of work           D. out of order   


26. In some of the war-torn countries temporary homes had to be put up quickly to ___________ the


   A. take up       B. take in            C. keep up           D. keep out


25. For some time the expert __________ people of the health risks caused by passive smoking. He 

  says he won't stop until all the smokers around him decide to quit smoking.

    A. is warned      B. is warning         C. has been warning    D. has been warned


24. The news _______ Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize is _______ surprised the world.

    A. that;what     B. which;that        C. that;which        D. /;how


23. After inspecting the building, specialists discovered some faults that otherwise ___________. 

    A. were overlooked               B. would be overlooked

    C. had been overlooked              D. would have been overlooked

