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35._____, I would like to thank Professor Osterhaus for offering me the chance to do this study, and for all the support throughout the study period.

    A.In the beginning    B.At first         C.To begin with   D.To start


34.It is believed that high achievers are ambitious, hard - working, and work toward personal standards of excellence _____ material rewards.

    A.other than      B.or rather          C.rather than      D.or else


33.Susan managed to climb out of the car,_____ unhurt.

    A.regularly       B.extremely        C.frequently        D.apparently


32.If you won't do as I tell you, you _____go to the dance.

    A.won't        B.shan't           C.shouldn't       D.mustn't


31._____ no further business, the chairman closed the meeting.

    A.It was      B.It having        C.There being      D.There was


30.The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery _____ quickly.

    A.shuts up       B.ends up         C.runs out       D.turns out


29.-What courses are you going to take next term if you want to receive enough credits to get your degree?

    -I don't know.But it's about time _____ on something.

    A.I'd decide      B.I decided        C.I decide        D.I'm deciding


28.In my opinion,_____ shouldn't be any doubt that China will become one of the most powerful countries in the near future.

    A.this       B.that           C.it            D.there

