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35. I regret _____ with her in such a heated way just now.

A. to argue       B. to have been argued  C. arguing       D. argued


34. This kind of facilities, _____ for the convenience of the blind people, will be put into use soon.

A. having been designed  B. to be designed   C. designed       D. having been designing


33. Not until he spoke the truth, ______.

A. did his parents forgive him          B. had his parents forgiven him

C. his parents forgave him           D. his parents would forgive him


32. He has got everything ready, _____ it well. 

A. determined to do  B. to be determined to doing  C. determining doing D. to determine to do


31. They have formed a good relationship, and they hope both sides will _____ .

A. stick to it     B. keep it up       C. pay attention to it   D. look after it


30. They at last came to a great desert, _____ lies the Dead Sea to its east.

A. where      B. there         C. across which    D. over which


29. I’m sorry but I _____ it on purpose and I'd like to know what I _____ next.

A. haven’t done; shall do           B. don’t do; will do

C. won’t do; am going to do          D. didn’t do; am to do


28. The policeman was ____ speed. It was coming up nearer and nearer to the kidnapped car.

A. obtaining     B. getting         C. acquiring      D. gaining

