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15._____is better_____one’s life than_____one’s spirit.

  A. That; lost; you lose    B. It; to lose; lose

C.This ; losing ; losing     D. It; to lose ; to lose


14.You must learn_____.

  A.that your time needs a wise use  B.how to make lest of your time

  C.to make wise use of your time   D.wise ways to use your time


13.I never expected the shoes_____.

  A.wearing out  B.to be worn out  C.to have worn out  D.being worn out


12.--What did you mean by saying that?

  --I mean no harm.I only____.

  A.meant heping  B.want to help  C.meant of help   D.want helping


11.In Australia,he made a lot of friends____a very practical knowledge of the English language.

  A.get   B.go get   C.getting   D.got


10._____several times the young scientist still kept on making his experi-ments.

  A.Having been failed    B.Having failed

  C.Though failed      D.Because of failure


9.I know it’s not important,but I can’t help_____about it.

  A.to think   B.and think   C.thinking   D.being thought


8.He feft a stone____his back.

  A.hitting    B.hit    C.hitted   D.to hit


7.--What do you suppose made her worried?

 --_____a gold ring.

  A.Lose   B.Lost   C.Losing   D.Because of losing


6.The stranger you saw_____with a big travelling-bag stayed in Room 104 yesterday.

  A.to come in  e in   C.has come in  D.who came in

