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35.______ she was afraid at that time, she would have said no to the plan.

A.But for        B.If        C.But that      D.When


34.______ the examination, all the students are studying hard.

A.Don't fail       B.Not failed     C.Not failing    D.Not to fail


33.I would love to have gone to the party. But I ______ extra hours to finish a report.

A.had had to work             B.had to have worked

C.had to work              D.had worked


32.-I can't find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

-It was in the hotel ______ he stayed.

A.that         B.where      C.which       D.the one


31.The prize will be given to ______ has done the best in the contest.

A.who         B.whomever    C.no matter who   D.whoever


30.-Are you pleased with what he has done?

-Not in the least. It couldn't be ______.

A.so bad        B.much better    C.any worse      D.the best


29.-Among the pencil-boxes, which one do you prefer?

-______ will do.

A.All         B.Every       C.Both       D.Any

