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41.---- Where`s Mary now? Do you know?

  ---- No,but I heard ____ in her room a few minutes ago.

A. her singing  B.her sing  C.she was singing  D. All the answers are right


40.--- How much ______  the shoes?

  ---- Five dollars ______  enough.

A.is ; is   B.are ; is   C. are ; are  D.is ; are


39. It`s nearly seven o`clock .Jack ____ be back home at this moment.

A.must   B.need   C. could 


38. If you _____ him tomorrow, please ask him if he ____ to work on the farm with us.

A.see ; goes   B.will see; goes  C.will see; will go  D.see; will go


37. He didn`t tell me anything ______ he left.

A.until   B.befor  C.after    D.since


36. ----Who told you to clean the windows?

   ----Father ______.He said they are too dirty.

A. told   B.did   C.had told  D.had told


35.If you are not _____  by then , I`ll take you to see the doctor.

A. good    B.well    C. fine     D.better


34. The old man had to do all the farm work himself,________?

A. did he   B.had he   C.didn`t he   D.hadn`t he


33. Mother said to Mike,” I hope you ____ what I ____ you to buy?”

A. didn`t forgot; told      B.don`t forget; tell

C. won`t forget; have told    D.haven`t forgotten; will tell


32. The shopkeeper said they _____ the shoes ______.

A. have sold out ; in my size   B. sold out ; of my size

C. had sold out ; for my size   D.had sold out ; in my size

