
 0  311308  311316  311322  311326  311332  311334  311338  311344  311346  311352  311358  311362  311364  311368  311374  311376  311382  311386  311388  311392  311394  311398  311400  311402  311403  311404  311406  311407  311408  311410  311412  311416  311418  311422  311424  311428  311434  311436  311442  311446  311448  311452  311458  311464  311466  311472  311476  311478  311484  311488  311494  311502  447348 

26.-    I book a table for dinner in advance?

    -Yes ,you    .The restaurant is always full of people.

    A.Must ; can      B.Will; will       C.Shall ;need      D.Shall ;must


25. A healthy life is frequently thought to be __      with the open countryside and home- grown food.

A. tied     B. related   C. involved   D. associated 


24.-Wow ,your picture looks splendid!

    -I      it on my computer.

    A.drew     B.draw C.will draw     D.had drawn


23.Helen is much more kind to her youngest child than to the others,     of course, makes the others unhappy.

    A.who  B.she   C.which    D.that


22. We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that _____ for their son’s bad performance at school.

A. are to blame        B. is to be blamed

C. are to be blamed      D. is to blame




21. We had __ really cold March two years ago in Yangzhou, and I still remember __ spring when it snowed .

   A. a; /      B. /; the     C. the; a      D. a; the


第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


姓名:王虹                                         性别:女      

出生日期:1986年8月6日                            出生地:山东,威海

住址:山东省威海市青岛路72号      邮编:264200       电话:858-3456789

教育:毕业于威海一中                                申请职位:导游

工作经验:曾经为一家旅游公司(travel agency)干过一个月导游    


Dear manager,

I hope to apply for a job in your company during this summer vacation. Please allow me to introduce myself.













Looking forward to your reply.

                        Yours sincerely

                         Wang Hong



第一节  短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Value Our Water

When we got up in the morning every day, we start our daily   76.      

routine:  washing our face, brushing our teeth and maybe take     77.      

a bath. When you do this, do you ever think that there is enough    78.      

water or not?                                       

    One thirds of the 4.4 billion people in the developing world       79.      

has no way to clean drinking water. Water-related diseases kill   80.      

10,000 to 20,000 children every day in the developed world.       81.        

    What comes to our minds when we read these numbers?       82.      

Do you think we are lucky or not? In a fact, the outlook for the        83.      

future, even for us, is not very bright.                      

    So let us value our water as much as possibly not only for       84.      

ourselves, but also to our children.                             85.      

