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14. It is reported that the local police    the case of two missing children, but no much progress has been made up to now.

   A. looked into              B. will look into

   C. have looked into           D. are looking into


13. — I went to the live concert yesterday and didn’t know what happened in the school.

   —    .

   A. So did I                       B. Nor did I

   C. So it was with me                   D. So I was


12. Chicago, a young American city, is famous for its frequent strong winds.    , it has been given the name “The Windy City”.

   A. As a result              B. On the contrary

   C. In the long term            D. As a matter of fact


11. Mr. White said this party would have a role    in developing the friendly relations between the two companies.

   A. playing    B. to play   C. played      D. to be playing


10. If I     the house five years ago, a huge amount of money would have been saved.

   A. buy     B. bought     C. had bought    D. should buy


9. According to a report, each year almost half of the professional athletes retiring from competition    

jobless or without a further schooling plan.

   A. go up                 B. end up       C. stay up       D. come up


8. He must have got punished yesterday by his parents for what he had done,    ?

   A. has he     B. hasn’t he                 C. didn’t he      D. did he


7. — Oh, Jim. Somebody left his wallet here.

   — Don’t worry. The name card in it can determine his    .

   A. attitude     B. character    C. behavior                  D. identity


6. During the trip to Korea,     impressed me most is people’s great enthusiasm about studying Chinese language and culture.

   A. it         B. which      C. what        D. that


5. When we asked what quality     him makes him have so many good friends, he said, “Just being committed     my friends.”

   A. on; in      B. in; to                  C. in; of         D. on; to

