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I ran in a race last weekend and learned a valuable lesson. During the middle of the race, I  16  a corner and faced a long running track — the kind that doesn’t seem to  17 . When I started the race, the thought of  18  the finishing line motivated (激励) me. But when I was halfway through it, out of  19 , imaging the finishing line didn’t provide me with any energy.

Instead of focusing on reaching my goal and having  20 , I tried to forget all about the finishing line and conquering (征服) the long running track ahead. I  21  my head and looked about three steps in front of me. Every three steps became a(n)  22  “finishing line”. I told myself  23 : Forget about everything else, and just  24  those next three steps.  25  I knew it, I had finished the long running track and was turning another corner.

So what does this mean in the real world? All the experts  26  you to dream big dreams. Making your goals  27 , they say, will help you go on bravely in the face of difficulties. But many times, this approach doesn’t  28 .

Big goals can become a double-edged sword. They can motivate you to take action, but they can also create  29 : I’m in the battle for my life, struggling in the trenches (战壕) at the risk of getting shot at, and you want me to focus on winning the war? I don’t think so. How about focusing on how to  30  the next 24 hours?

There’s a fine line of course. If you only focus on what’s right in front of you and  31  the bigger picture, your work may be aimless. So what we need is to achieve a(n)  32 .

 People usually say if you’re  33  of heights, the rule is not to look down. During my race, I had a new  34 : Don’t look up. I focused on my next few steps and knew if I did this over and over, I’d  35  reach the finishing line. And I’m happy to report I did finish the race. 

16. A. missed     B. made         C. avoided      D. turned

17. A. end       B. start         C. work       D. spread

18. A. following   B. pulling       C. crossing      D. moving

19. A. order      B. breath        C. sight        D. line

20. A. effort      B. standard       C. strength      D. success

21. A. dropped    B. held         C. shook       D. raised

22. A. fine       B. new         C. main       D. unreal 

23. A. repeatedly   B. secretly       C. falsely       D. exactly

24. A. rely on     B. put on        C. hold on      D. focus on

25. A. Since      B. Until         C. Before       D. After

26. A. force      B. encourage     C. request       D. forbid

27. A. easy       B. interesting     C. big        D. true

28. A. exist       B. appear        C. stay        D. help 

29. A. opportunities              B. characters   C. stress      D. wealth

30. A. fill        B. waste         C. enjoy       D. survive

31. A. ignore     B. catch         C. imagine      D. see

32. A. effect      B. balance       C. purpose      D. goal

33. A. unsure     B. tired         C. afraid       D. aware

34. A. problem    B. experience     C. adventure     D. rule

35. A. unfortunately              B. eventually   C. blindly     D. completely


15. — Did you have a good time in London last weekend?

   —    . It was too cold.

   A. Not really    B. Of course    C. No problem   D. Oh, great


14. It is reported that the local police    the case of two missing children, but no much progress has been made up to now.

   A. looked into              B. will look into

   C. have looked into           D. are looking into


13. — I went to the live concert yesterday and didn’t know what happened in the school.

   —    .

   A. So did I                       B. Nor did I

   C. So it was with me                   D. So I was


12. Chicago, a young American city, is famous for its frequent strong winds.    , it has been given the name “The Windy City”.

   A. As a result              B. On the contrary

   C. In the long term            D. As a matter of fact


11. Mr. White said this party would have a role    in developing the friendly relations between the two companies.

   A. playing    B. to play     C. played      D. to be playing


10. If I     the house five years ago, a huge amount of money would have been saved.

   A. buy     B. bought     C. had bought    D. should buy


9. According to a report, each year almost half of the professional athletes retiring from competition    

jobless or without a further schooling plan.

   A. go up                 B. end up       C. stay up       D. come up


8. He must have got punished yesterday by his parents for what he had done,    ?

   A. has he     B. hasn’t he                 C. didn’t he      D. did he


7. — Oh, Jim. Somebody left his wallet here.

   — Don’t worry. The name card in it can determine his    .

   A. attitude     B. character    C. behavior                  D. identity

