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5. — Who can it be that is talking to my father on the telephone?

   — It      be your math teacher, but I am not sure.

A. must             B. will             C. need             D. may


4. My mother is a warm-hearted woman. It’s just typical      her to talk someone      buying something that she thinks is of good value.

A. for; with          B. of; with           C. of; into           D. for; into


3. It sounds like a good plan. Isn’t it a little unpractical,     ?

A. also             B. though         C. either            D. too


2. For a person who tries to hurt others, there are many more people who devote their lives     .

A. to helping       B. to help        C. to be helped      D. helping


第一部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. Some companies sell      large amount of useless equipment simply for huge profit, but they have neither      shame nor any sense of guilt.

A. /; /              B. the; the           C. a; a              D. a; / 


第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)


1. 不要轻易相信陌生人,不在网上泄露个人信息;

2. 不在河中游泳;

3. 遵守交通规则;

4. 遇到紧急情况时及时向警方、家长或老师求助。


1. 词数120左右;

2. 可根据内容需要适当拓展,以使行文连贯。(倡议书的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)

Dear students,

As we know, nothing is more important than safety in our life. Therefore, we should try our best to make sure we are safe.


That’s all. Thank you.








Many people say they cannot start their day without first having a cup of coffee or tea. People say these drinks help them think clearly and feel more awake. This is because of caffeine, a substance found in some plants. It helps to give the start to the nervous system. Now a new report says it may also improve long-term memory.

Michael Yassa is a neurobiology professor at the University of California, Irvine. He and other researchers wanted to know if caffeine could improve what they called memory consolidation (记忆巩固). They asked a group of individuals to learn something new, and then the same people were given caffeine—the active ingredient in coffee, tea and chocolate.

They worked with a group of 160 people who were caffeine free. On the first day, all the subjects were shown pictures of everyday objects. They were asked to tell whether the pictures could be found inside the house or outdoors. Some of the subjects were then given a caffeine pill; the others were given a pill containing no caffeine. On the second day, all of the subjects were asked to look at more pictures. Some of the images were exactly the ones they had seen 24 hours early. But other images were quite different. The participants (参与者) had to decide whether the images they saw were the same as or different from the ones on the first day.

Professor Yassa says their answers help to show the effects of caffeine on memory. He says those who took the caffeine pills had a ten to twelve percent increase in their ability to remember the objects. The amount of caffeine used in the study was similar to one cup of strong coffee. Professor Yassa says pills with a little more caffeine also increased memory, but resulted in some participants appearing more nervous.

51. What does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refer to?

   A. A cup of coffee.      B. Caffeine.  

   C. The plant.          D. A cup of tea.

52. Professor Michael Yassa did the research in order to   .

   A. ask people to learn something new    

   B. encourage people to drink more coffee

   C. find out that coffee, tea and chocolate contain caffeine

   D. make sure that caffeine has a good effect on memory 

53. Which of the following is TRUE about the research?

   A. The participants didn’t take caffeine before.  

   B. Some of the participants were not given pills. 

   C. The pictures shown in the two days were the same.

   D. The researchers showed people pictures taken outside. 

54. What can we learn about caffeine pills?

   A. Caffeine pills do a lot of harm to health.

   B. A caffeine pill is equal to a cup of coffee.

   C. Caffeine pills can improve the memory to some degree.

   D. The more caffeine the pills contain, the better the effects will be.           

55. What’s the best title for the text?

   A. How to improve the memory

   B. Drink a cup of coffee every day

   C. Keep energetic by taking caffeine pills

   D. Caffeine helps improve long-term memory



Trees also suffer from stress, just as people do. Sounds unbelievable, isn’t it?  So, how do you know if your tree is stressed? Trees actually speak quite loudly when they are stressed; you just need to learn how to listen.

If your tree is wilting (枯萎), it probably needs water or you might be watering it too much. Unfortunately, under- or over-watering shows the same signs. However, a little research work will have the problem solved in no time. Giving your tree proper water is a good idea. If you have a drip irrigation system (滴灌系统), make sure it is working properly. If your tree is not quite right, with spots on the leaves or other unusual discolorations, look over your tree carefully. These are signs of insects, disease or nutrient problems. Look on the undersides of the leaves, as these are where they like to hide in.

You should have the right species for your climate and soils. Nutrient problems will appear if your soil is not right for the tree. If the climate is not suitable, a tree is stressed from too much or too little water and it sends out signals to insects, which take advantage of its weaknesses. Insects weaken the tree even more, and then diseases take hold.

Trees will show signs of stress, such as dropping bark (树皮) or leaves when their roots are disturbed. At this time, do not decide the tree needs fertilizer. Feeding a sick tree with too much fertilizer will just make it sicker. Sometimes you love your plants to death. Too much fertilizer may make your tree grow faster, but fast growth upsets a tree’s tender balance. The faster a tree grows, the less energy it has for defense against insects and disease.

47. The underlined word “discolorations” in Paragraph 2 probably means    .

   A. signs of good health           B. strange appearances

   C. the change or loss of color       D. the bad smells that plants give out

48. Which of the following proverbs can be used to describe the situation in Paragraph 3?

   A. Never judge a book by its cover.

   B. Out of sight, out of mind.

    C. Troubles never come alone.

    D. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.

49. Dropping bark or leaves probably shows that    .

    A. the tree is seriously lacking in water

    B. the root of the tree is negatively affected

    C. the tree has been badly attacked by insects

    D. the tree is in great need of various nutrients

50. What may happen if you give a tree too much fertilizer?

    A. It will soon be killed by the fertilizer.

    B. It will lose its ability to fight against insects.

    C. It will lose its ability to keep standing in the wind.

    D. Its growth and development will completely stop.



Last month, Justin Valdez, a college student, was shot in a subway station in San Francisco. The surveillance video (监控录像) showed that before Justin was killed, the killer pulled out his gun several times, and even wiped his nose with it. However, nobody noticed the killer. The surrounding passengers all focused on their cell phones.

We may see the same scene everywhere in our life: in subway stations, restaurants, elevators and so on, people are watching their cell phones. From a family reunion to a date with a friend, people couldn’t stop checking their twitter and facebook on the cell phones and ignoring the persons in front completely. Phubbing (低头症) not only involves young people, but also the elderly and kids.

“Phubbing” is a new term which comes from the words “phone” and “snub (冷落)”. It describes the habit of snubbing someone in favor of a cell phone. The word “phubbing” was included in the Australian National Dictionary in 2012. Obviously, the indifference (冷漠) and rudeness of the information age are spreading globally. A Stop Phubbing campaign website has been set up. You can find the slogan of the website as follows: “stop twittering, stop posting photos… enjoy your food, enjoy the music and respect others.”

Phubbing appears harmless. However, it does influence our life. Jimmy, an epicure (美食家), wrote in his blog: “I can no longer focus on what I am eating since I started twittering. My skill of food photography has improved very fast, while my interest in food drops as a result.”

Let us put down our cell phones and re-enjoy the real taste of our food and the warmth of interpersonal communication.

43. The case of Justin Valdez is given in the first paragraph to show    .

   A. gun violence happens easily in the US         

   B. phubbing may lead to terrible disasters

    C. the killer didn’t mean to kill him

   D. the killer had made a careful plan

44. What will probably happen when you ask a phubbing person for help?

   A. He will give you an immediate reply.

   B. He will stop looking at his cell phone.

   C. He will pay no attention to you.  

   D. He will be very angry with you.

45. Jimmy’s words suggest that    .

   A. phubbing is actually harmless

   B. phubbing stops people enjoying their life 

   C. phubbing affects people’s eating habits the most   

   D. phubbing helps people improve their photographic skills

46. What is the text mainly about?

   A. How the word “phubbing” came into being.

   B. The popular campaign of stop phubbing.

   C. The meaning of the word “phubbing”.

   D. The great harm of phubbing.

