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News 1

December 18, 2020 — This year shows strong growth for wind power when the total global installed capacity (能量) added a record 62,000 MW, making the total capacity more than 680,000 MW. Wind power is by far the renewable (能再生的) source with the largest growth in worldwide capacity during the last decade. However, the US is quite slow using wind power compared to many European countries. China is the country with the strongest growth in the total capacity, adding another 20% with 154,000 MW installed.

News 2

March 13, 2025 — New efforts have been made to get in touch with the Voyager probes (探测器) but to no avail and today it is officially announced that we have lost touch with them forever. The last signal from Voyager 1 was received in November 2020 and from Voyager 2 in March 2021. Voyager 1 was launched into space with the target (目标) to explore Jupiter and Saturn and their moons (卫星) and rings.

News 3

December 15, 2030 — What will the most popular Christmas present be this year? Affected by the launch of the first manned mission to Mars next month, you will most likely get a gift card for a space trip. The interest in the space trips have grown steadily (持续地) since the launch about 20 years ago, but the market has basically exploded this year since the official announcement of the Mars mission. More low-cost space lines have entered the market and you can now find space flights for as low as $3,495.

12. We can learn from News 1 that    .

    A. wind power develops fast in China in 2020

    B. the US has the strongest growth in wind power in 2020

    C. European countries don’t make use of wind power in 2020

   D. wind power is not made use of in some countries in 2020

13. The underlined part “to no avail” in News 2 can be replaced by “    ”.

    A. on the contrary                          B. without success  

   C. on purpose                D. with hope

14. What was the purpose of launching Voyager 1 into space?

    A. To help get in touch with Voyager 2.

    B. To help observe planets around the earth.

    C. To explore the moons and rings around the earth.

    D. To explore Jupiter and Saturn and their moons and rings.

15. According to News 3, taking a space trip in 2030 would be    .

    A. impossible                 B. costly        

   C. common                  D. dangerous



Droughts (干旱) are a common feature of the weather in the UK, with one around every 5 to 10 years on average. After 18 months since the drought began to hit the UK, most of the east and south-east of England is affected by drought. Luckily, a new water plant in Beckton, East London, is helping to ease the drought by turning seawater into drinking water.

The £270-million plant uses a process called desalination, through which salt and other minerals are taken out of seawater. The plant takes seawater from the Thames Estuary when the sea is at low tide, filters (过滤) it and then pumps it through a membrane (薄膜) with lots of little holes in it. The process makes the water so clean that essential minerals have to be put back into it. Around 150 million liters of water will be produced in this way each day, supplying 1.4 million people with water.

With summer drawing near, the project has been developed to help the widespread drought across the UK. Seven water companies have announced the limited use of water, and hosepipe (水龙带) bans are likely to be announced next month. The ban could affect one in three homes and people caught breaking the rules could face a fine of up to £1,000.

As the desalination process is expensive to run and uses a lot of energy, it will only be used in times of drought. Martin Baggs, chief executive of Thames Water, said that more money is needed to help build reservoirs (水库) and develop new technology. He added, “People must use less water during extreme conditions.”

8. The process of desalination refers to the process of    .

    A. removing salt from seawater               B. adding minerals into seawater

    C. taking water from the sea                D. supplying people with water

9. It is implied in the text that in summer,    .

    A. the drought in the UK will be less severe

    B. more methods will be used to ease droughts

    C. more drinking water will be accessible in the UK

    D. the UK will be threatened by more serious droughts

10. The process of desalination might not be widely used mainly because    .

    A. new technology can be developed

    B. it costs too much money and energy

    C. it can’t produce enough drinking water

    D. the water made this way isn’t healthy

11. What is the text mainly about?

    A. Droughts have been common in the history of the UK.

    B. The technology of taking salt out of seawater is being tested.

    C. Seawater is being turned into drinking water in the UK.

    D. Different methods are used to ease the droughts in the UK.



The most popular fashion trend (趋势) for 2012 is a modern reinvention of revival (重新流行) styles, particularly styles from the 1960s. This is mostly a result of recent TV shows. Many of the styles on sale look attractive on teenage girls.

● Cat eye sunglasses

Cat eye sunglasses are one of the most fashionable sunglasses shapes for 2012. Cat eye sunglasses are those shaped wider along the top lenses (镜片) and narrower at the bottom. They will immediately make you look up to date with the 1960s revival.

● Curve hugging dresses

When you are young, your body is often in the best shape of your life. So it’s a great time to show it off. Stars like the Kardashian sisters have been making curve hugging dresses really popular. They may come in long sleeve styles if where you live is a little cool in autumn.

● Ballet flat shoes

Ballet flat shoes are a great day-to-day style because they are always very comfortable to walk in. This season many printed styles are appearing in stores. Flower prints are some of the most popular looks. 

● Color block T-shirts

Color blocking was a trend that first appeared during the 1960s. It is characterized (以……为特征) by the use of different solid colors in the one design broken up by lines. During the 1960s, color block dresses were particularly popular. A more modern style is the color block T-shirt. You will find styles which feature one color across the shoulders, another across the chest and yet another on the lower part of the T-shirt.

4. The curve hugging dresses can make teenage girls    .

   A. feel a little cold in autumn  

   B. show off the shape of their body

   C. hide their body disadvantages 

   D. laugh at the Kardashian sisters’ similar dresses

5. Which can best describe this year’s ballet flat shoes?

   A. They are of the printed style.   

   B. They are seldom seen in shops.

   C. They are uncomfortable but cheap. 

   D. There is nothing special with them.

6. It can be inferred that this year’s fashion theme is based on    .

   A. new materials             B. the stars’ lifestyle 

   C. teens’ imagination           D. elements in the 1960s

7. In which part of a newspaper can we read the text?

   A. Art.                     B. News.      

   C. Fashion.            D. Education.



My favorite book that I’ve read is the well-known novel Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. The novel is about a thirteen-year-old boy named Brian Robeson. He goes to meet his father in Canada, but when he’s in the plane heading for his father, something goes terribly wrong — the pilot of the plane gets a sudden heart attack. Brian is stranded (处于困境) in the Canadian wilderness after the plane crashes, with only a hatchet (手斧) and the clothes on his back.

As the plane goes down in the story, the risks rise for Brian. That’s one reason why this book is so great. Gary Paulsen explains Brian’s troubles in simple words, but he also uses lots of those words to describe Brian’s troubles as well.

One other reason is that it sparks (激发) your mind into reading or makes you start reading Gary Paulsen’s books. In this novel, the question is, “How will the main character survive?” So it’s obvious that this book is an adventure and a “man against nature” novel. As you have probably guessed, Brian suffers from hunger and searches for food and shelter. When Brian finds any kind of food, he feels as if he just found money in the street.

The third reason why this book is so well thought of is the creativity Gary has put into Brian. Brian uses a lot of things in his surroundings in every way: a common stick can be a spear (矛) or an arrow.

In a word, when you start this book, you won’t stop reading it until Brian is rescued. I feel that Gary Paulsen gave Brian Robeson life, and that’s what made Hatchet a great book.

1. What challenge does Brian have to face?         

   A. He can hardly keep himself warm. 

   B. He is too young to protect himself.

   C. It’s very difficult to find food.   

   D. He has no tools with him.

2. What’s probably the ending of the story?

   A. The boy is found and saved.   

   B. The boy fails to defeat difficulties.

   C. The boy manages to fly to his father.

   D. The boy lives in the wilderness forever.

3. We can learn from the text that    .

   A. the novel mainly tells us how to survive in the wild

   B. hatchet is the only thing that the pilot leaves to Brian

   C. Gary Paulsen saved Brian Robeson’s life

   D. the author thinks highly of the novel


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 介绍你的朋友或同学(至少二人)的爱好,以及他们各自的爱好带来的益处;

2. 叙述你自己的爱好以及这一爱好带来的益处。


Generally speaking, different people have different hobbies. It is obvious that different hobbies lead to different benefits.








第三部分 写作

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was walking along the street while a stranger stopped me and asked me the way to a new restaurant. I told him the route and directions carefully. As soon as I have finished, the stranger thanked me and started off. To my surprised, he went to the wrong direction. So I stopped him at once and told him a mistake he had made.

Unexpected, he smiled and told me the truth which he didn’t really want to ask the way. Instead, he was just trying know whether everyone knew exactly where the new restaurant was, so he was the owner of the restaurant. Then I knew what he was and what he wanted to do.


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41.        42.        43.        44.        45.           

