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13.The twins’ voices sound quite different _____tone _______ the phone.

A.in, on         B.from, to       C.in, at         D.from, in


12.I had no idea of the exact address of Xinhua High School ______ I was outside its front gate.

    A.when        B.after          C.until         D.because


11.-________ do we still need to wait for the tickets?

   -Maybe for another two hours. Look at the queue!

    A.How often      B.How long      C.How soon      D.How much


10.________ by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit, they decided to visit the small old town again.

    A.Struck        B.To be struck   C.Having struck    D.Being struck


9.Don’t take his words too seriously. He was so angry that I don’t think he really knew what ______.

A.he said        B.he was saying    C.he used to say    D.he says


8.We were supposed to move into our new classroom building at the beginning of the month, but things didn’t ______ as planned.

    A.work out       B.carry out       C.move out       D.get out


7.I certainly can’t accept the reason ____ you gave me for your being late. Actually, the traffic was perfect this morning.

    A.why           B.that           C.what          D.as


6.When Premier Zhou Enlai was alive, he ______   _ work from morning until night every day, dealing with numerous affairs.

     A.would         B.could          C.must          D.might


5.Be sure to practise all the four language skills, _________, listening, speaking, reading and writing, in every English class.

     A.those are       B.this is          C.they are        D.that is


4.By playing with the native boys and girls, one can ______ a lot of their language.

A.pick up        B.set up          C.build up        D.put up

