0  171510  171518  171524  171528  171534  171536  171540  171546  171548  171554  171560  171564  171566  171570  171576  171578  171584  171588  171590  171594  171596  171600  171602  171604  171605  171606  171608  171609  171610  171612  171614  171618  171620  171624  171626  171630  171636  171638  171644  171648  171650  171654  171660  171666  171668  171674  171678  171680  171686  171690  171696  171704  447090 

19.Sarah,hurry up or you won’t have time to_______ before the party.

A.get changed      B.get change       C.get changing       D.get to change


18.There is a new problem rising from the popularity of private cars_______ road conditions need_____.

A.that;to be improved                 B.which;to be improved

C.where;improving                    D.when;improving


17.Wang Tong_______ a lot of English by playing with the local children.

A.took up          B.picked up        C.turned up         D.made up


16.You cannot imagine that a well-behaved gentleman_______ be so rude to a lady.

A.might           B.need            C.should           D.would


15.Only then_______,the importance of my health.

A.did I realize       B.had I realized      C.I realized         D.I had realized


14.The class_______ 80 students is hard to manage.

A.consisting of      B.consists of       C.making up of      D.made up


13.Tom is good at his work,but he seems to_______ confidence.

A.lack            B.lack of          C.lacking in         D.short of


12.Come and see me whenever_______.

A.you are convenient                   B.you will be convenient

C.it is convenient to you                 D.it will be convenient to you


11.-They haven’t finished all the work up to now.


A.should                            B.ought to  

C.are supposed to                      D.are supposed to have


10.I will_______ Jane today,as she can’t come to the meeting herself.

A.take place                         B.take place of

C.take the place                       D.take the place of

