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1.    First discuss it with the whole class ,then get the students to write a short passage about the ways of dealing with problems .


3. 3c.First let students do it on their own ,then check the answers .

Step 5  Homework

SB Page 9, Section 4 .


2. 3b.Help students to finish the work .


1. 3a .Students finish it first ,then check the answers with the whole class .


5.    Ask some comprehension questions about the passage .

Step 4  Post-task

SB Page 9, Section 3 .


4.    Let students read the passage again ,this time read carefully .


3.    Explain some phrases:

deal with           try one’s best to do sth

be angry with         It’s our duty to do sth

complain about        compare …  to …

change … into …       think about

Let’s not worry about our problems, let’s face the challenges instead.


2.    Let the students scan the passage for main idea .


1.    Explain something about the learning strategy .


2.    In pairs, get students to look up the words in activity 1b .

Step 3  While-task

SB Page 8 , Section 2 .

