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29.(  )The TV and the light in the room were _____, but nobody was in.

A. in             B. off            C. on


28.(  ) When I was a child, I used to ___________ chocolate.

A. liking            B. like              C. liked


27.(  ) – Tina didn’t go to school yesterday, did she?

    -- _______.Because she was badly ill.

A. Yes, she did        B. Yes, she didn’t       C. No, she didn’t


26.(  )To ______,I won the first prize.

A. me surprise         B. my surprised       C. me surprised


25.(  )-Are you afraid of ______ at home, Linda?

    -No, I’ve grown up.

A. alone            B. being alone        C. being lonely


24.(  ) His ____ film is Hero.

A. best            B. the best         C. the better


23.(  )The doctor asked my father to ______ smoking to keep healthy.

A. open up           B. put up          C. give up


22.(  ) He ___up late. But now he doesn’t get up early.

A. is used get          B. used to get        C. was used to get



21.(  ) Mr. Li always go to sleep ______ the light on.

  A. in            B. with           C. to



1.(  )A. use          B. used          C. useful

2.(  )A. chew        B. blue          C. June

3.(  )A. cause        B. afford         C. comic

4.(  )A. insect         B. secret         C. patient

5.(  )A. death         B. dead          C. die


6.(  )A. Yes, I’m very happy   B. Yes, I had it at eleven.   C. Yes, my mother is ill.

7.(  )A.Yes, and it’s going to be colder.  B. Really? Do you think so  C. No, it won’t

8.(  )A. OK          B. 21 dollars         C. It doesn't matter

9.(  )A. Yes, I’m sure I did.   B. I’m sorry I forgot.     C. I’m glad he’s coming.

10.(  )A.Yes, it is        B. Not at all         C. Thank you


11.(  )A. She used to watch TV  B. Yes, she did        C. Yes, she does.

12.(  )A. No, she liked going out  B. Yes, she did       C. She used to go shopping

13.(  )A. The country       B. A restaurant       C. The beach

14.(  )A. Yes,she does      B. No,she doesn't      C.Yes, she did

15.(  )A. Yes, she ever      B. No, never        C. Sometimes

Ⅳ) 听短文,判断正(A)误(B)。

16.(  )My parents were away on business for about a week.

17.(  )I wasn’t afraid of the dark at all.

18.(  )I kept the light on the whole night because I forgot to turn it off.

19.(  )I set the alarms at three respective(各自的)time.

20.(  )I was proud of myself at last.

