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A. That’s great!
B. That’s a really bad excuse!
C. We all learn from mistakes, don’t we?
D. No, it isn’t .
E. Only a few words.
F. Sure. Sometimes they did.
G. Yes, unless they are busy.

A: I’ve just been to the English Corner.

B: Oh?  1   Did you talk with Ben and Andy?

A:  2   And I’m not sure if they understood me.

B: No problem. You have had a good start.

A: But I’m afraid of making mistakes when I speak.

B:  3   Be confident of yourself.

A: But do you think they like to talk with us beginners?

B:  4 

A: Well, I’m still not so confident. You know my pronunciation is poor.

B:  5   Try to talk with them as much as possible.

A: All right. Thank you, sir.




A: Hey, Steve! Over here! Don’t you remember me?

B: Oh, wow! You’re Paula, aren’t you?

A: That’s  6  .

B: But you used to be really quiet,  7  you?

A: Yeah. I wasn’t very outgoing.

B: No, you weren’t. But you were always friendly. Wait a minute!  8   you use to play the piano?

A: Yes, I did. But now I’m more interested in sports. I play soccer and I’m  9   the swim team.

B: Wow! People sure  10  .


6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.____________


( A )

  My biggest problem is  36   I’m too busy. When I was young. I used to have  37   time, but these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time  38   games with my friends, but just don’t have the time anymore. In the evening, I used to watch TV or chat  39   my grandmother, but now have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time  40   concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old days.

36.(  )A. what          B. that         C.  /

37.(  )A. so many        B. so much       C. such much

38.(  )A. to play        B. play         C. playing

39.(  )A. in           B. to          C. with

40.(  )A. for           B. to          C. of

( B )

Food is very important. Everyone needs to  41   well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food.

This kind of food is  42  .We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are  43  in everything around them. They learn  44  while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to  45   story books, science books..., anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and  46  to find out the answers.

What is the best  47  to get knowledge? If we learn  48  ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are  49   getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand  50  .

(  )41.A. sleep           B. eat            C. drink

(  )42.A. sport           B. exercise          C. knowledge

(  )43.A.interested          B. interesting       C. weak

(  )44.A.everything         B. something       C. nothing

(  )45.A.lend            B. read             C. learn

(  )46.A.try           B. have           C. think

(  )47.A.place           B. school           C. way

(  )48.A.on            B. with              C. by

(  )49.A.often           B. always           C. usually

50.(  )A.harder         B. much          C. better


35.(  ) My brother has a _______ son.

A. four year old        B. four-year-old       C. fourth-year-old


34.(  )Our teacher asked us to write our composition ______.

A. as carefully as possible    B. as careful as we can     C. as careful as possible


33.(  )The teacher his students _____ hiking tomorrow.

A. goes            B. are going          C. is going


32.(  )It’s _____ book that I keep ____ it in my free time.

A. so an interesting , read    B. such an interesting ; to read  C. such an interesting ; reading


31.(  )My life ______ a lot in the last few years.

A. changed          B. has changed        C. is changing


30.(  )We spent one day _____ the Great Wall.

A. visit            B. visiting         C. to visit

