0  225674  225682  225688  225692  225698  225700  225704  225710  225712  225718  225724  225728  225730  225734  225740  225742  225748  225752  225754  225758  225760  225764  225766  225768  225769  225770  225772  225773  225774  225776  225778  225782  225784  225788  225790  225794  225800  225802  225808  225812  225814  225818  225824  225830  225832  225838  225842  225844  225850  225854  225860  225868  447090 

2. Stop and relax

Take breaks during your revision. Study for 45 minutes and then take a 10 minute break to rest your eyes. Stretch and do breathing exercises, listen to soothing music or make yourself a healthy snack. Don't study for hours and hours without any rest!


 How to handle exam stress

                      What is stress?

 Stress is a normal part of life. "Good stress" motivates us to do our work and prevents us from becoming bored. "Bad stress" is just the opposite. It can affect concentration and even cause health problems. Learning to keep exam stress under control will help you to feel and do your best during exam time.

1. Revision timetable

Prepare a weekly revision timetable for all your subjects to make sure you finish what you need to do on time. The earlier you start, the better. Most students know that leaving everything to the last minute often causes a lot of stress!


1. A year after she got her physics degree she got a math degree, too. (   )



学校里组织了Week of Scientists 活动,Tom计划将曾两次获得诺贝尔奖的科学家-居里夫人介绍给同学。他从不同的书籍中找到了如下的材料,你能帮他按顺序整理一下吗?

a. Maria Skotdowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, on 7th November 1867.  (  1  )

b. Then, three years later, Pierre dies and Marie's world changed forever. (   )

c. She did very well and got her degree in 1893. (   )

d. She got married with Pierre Curie in 1895 and Maria became Marie Curie. (   )

e. She couldn't go to university because universities in Poland were not open to women, so she taught herself. (   )

f. Four years after the death of her mother, she left school.(   )

g. In 1903 Marie and Pierre won the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of natural radioactivity. (   )

h. Her childhood was not happy, her elder sister died when she was nine and her mother died when she was eleven. (   )

i. In 1891 Maria went to Paris to study physics. (   )

j. In 1911,she won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the discovery of two new radioactive chemical elements- radium and polonium.          (   )

k. Maria began working with her husband before their first daughter was born and together they discovered radium in 1898. (   )



Mary: Hello John. I know you love sports very much. But what did you use to like?

John: Well. Actually I used to listen to music very often. And still now I like music very much especially pop music. How about you? Did you use to listen to music?

Mary: No. But I like music now. I often go to the concerts. Next time I would like to go with you if you want.

John: Sure. By the way, do you like sports?

Mary: No, not at all. I even hated sports when I was young. Tom, you used to like soccer very much, didn't you?

Tom: Yes, but now I have no time to play so I don't love it anymore. Now I prefer reading books. Mary, I will return the books to you soon. I know you read books every day.

Mary: OK. I have another book to read now so don't worry about it.

Tom: Thanks a lot. You know I used to watch TV almost every night but now I don't. I have enough time to finish the book.  And I want another book to read later on.

Like listening to music

Watch TV
Read books


permission – prohibition; competence – incompetence; obligation – freedom; constraint - independence - resistance to constraint; request - negative request

suggestion - no suggestion – warning


attentive - inattentive – avoiding; alertness – exhaustion; intent - indecision - refusal

effort - no real effort – repose; hope – despair; desire - indifference – reluctance; interest - no interest - repulsion


fear - nervousness – security; togetherness – privacy; respect – disrespect; appreciation – envy; love - no love lost – hatred; familiarity – mystery;


pride - modesty- shame; closeness - detachment – distance; complaint/pain - doing OK – pleasure; caution - boldness – rashness; patience - mere tolerance – anger; relaxation - composure - stress


discovery – confusion; gain – loss; surprise - no surprise – expectation; wonder surprise – commonplace; happiness – unhappiness; amusement – weariness; completion – incompleteness; courage - timidity – cowardice; pity – cruelty; repentance - lack of regret - innocence

