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251.I always find physics difficulty to learn. 252.It was polite for him to make room for you. 253.That’s quite far from here to the bus stop. 254. He made such many mistakes in his homework that the teacher made him do it again. 255. There were many restaurants and we were not sure which to eat. 256. She fixed all the radios besides the smallest one ,because there were no parts for it. 257. “Which of the two buses goes to the hospital? “None of them does.” 258. Be careful not to loose the money. 259. Many new homes have been built in the past few months in our village. 260. New York is the larger city in the U.S.

251difficulty→difficult 252 for→of 253That→It 254 such→so 255eat→eat in 256 besides→except257 None→Neither 258loose→lose 259homes→houses 260 larger→largest


241.He raised his sound so that we could hear him. 242.I want to make clear that I don’t want the price. 243.When wet clothes are hanged up near a fire, steam can be seen rising from them. 244.I haven’t received a letter from him in the past a few years. 245.The dustmen have gone on strike for more than two weeks. 246.’Will the play be put on again?” Yes, I think it. 247.Though it was very cold, but he went out without an overcoat. 248.My uncle began to study French in the fifties. 249.How do you think of the bicycle of this model? 250.I used to dance a lot when I was an university student.

241could hear→heard 242 make→make it 243hanged→hung 244 drop the second “a” 245on→been 246 it→so 247drop “but” or “Though” 248 the→his249How→What 250an→a


231.I didn’t go to the film because I have seen it before. 232.How shall I do with the old machine? 233.She was about to get into sleep while the baby woke up and began to cry. 234.We have friends over the world. 235.He failed but wanted to try the second time. 236.He left Shanghai at a cold winter night. 237.Sorry, I forgot your book in my office yesterday. 238.They have only a little room to live. 239.Tom didn’t leave until his sister was seen to enter into the village. 240.My idea is quite different from you.

231have→had 232How→What 233into→to 234 over→all over 235change “the”into “a” 236at→on 237forgot→left 238 live→live in 239 drop “into” 240 you→yours


221.The girl doesn’t dare to go out at night lonely. 222.Will I get you a piece of chalk, Mr.White? 223.As a boy, he made a life by selling newspapers. 224.When he came in, the speaker found the listeners all seating. 225.John had to make some rooms for Joe and Mike. 226.After the supper the singer didn’t go upstairs. 227.There are around one hundred woman workers in this factory. 228.Jack was said to be made stay behind by his teacher after school yesterday. 229.Great changes have been taken place in the past year. 230.Hear! How nicely the girl is playing the piano!

221 lonely→alone 222Will→Shall 223 life→living 224 seating→seated 225rooms→room 226 drop “the” 227woman→women 228 stay→to stay229drop “been” 230Hear→Listen


211.Which is much cheap, this one or that one? 212.We have to work hard on physics this term. 213.Is there any deer in the zoo? 214.She hasn’t returned back home yet. 215.The boy is old enough to take care of him. 216.It’s too hot in day and too cold at night on the noon. 217.John studies much more harder than any of the others. 218.Physics is one of the most difficult subject for us. 219.After quick supper, Tom returned to the cinema. 220.We must be strict in ourselves in everything.

211cheap→cheaper 212on→at 213is→are 214drop “back” 215him→himself 216in day→in the day 217drop “more” 218subject→sujects 219quick→a quick 220change the first “in”into “with”


201.What a beautiful weather we are having recently! 202.The new flowers are for her, not for his. 203.They live in the Room 305 in that building. 204.Mike is a college student from Britain. 205.We used to go to beds at nine ten at school. 206.Please you work harder at your lessons. 207.I have no papers to write on. 208.Please not look out of the window in class. 209.We got an English evening last Wednesday. 210.Let’s see who can reach to there first.

201drop “a” 202his→him 203drop “the” 204from→in 205 beds→bed206drop “you” 207papers→paper 208not→don’t 209got→had 210drop “to”


191.Why not to take a holiday for a few days? 192.This book is cheap enough for him to buy it. 193.She did nothing but to cry. 194.Would you kindly let me to know as soon as possible? 195.I asked him to tell me that how much he paid a year for his son’s education. 196.I don’t know when he will be come back home. 197.He nodded his head in silence, and his eyes bright with tears. 198.Though rich, but he works very hard. 199.That is all what I want to tell you. 200.There is somebody whom you want to see him.

191drop “to” 192 drop “it”193drop “to” 194drop “to” 195drop “that” 196 drop “be”197drop “and” 198drop “but” 199 drop “all” or change “what” into “that”200drop “him”


181.He suggested me that I go to see the manager. 182.I lent him the book I bought the day before. 183.I never buy anything unless it is not really needed. 184.You need not to go with me unless you are free now. 185.I am sure it will be dark before we won’t get there. 186.I don’t know if they will come, but if they will come, please show them the way to my house. 187.I could not make myself understood entirely well. 188.This book is too hard for me to read it 189.As he was careless, so he failed 190.I was too tired not to walk any further.

181 drop “me”182bought→had bought 183drop “not” 184drop “to” 185drop “won’t” 186drop the second “will” 187drop “entirely” or “well” 188drop “it” 189drop “as” or “so” 190drop “not”


171.As weather is fine, let us take a long walk. 172.Have the police found the knife which the man was killed? 173.The moon moves round the earth is well known to us all. 174.After we seated at the table, she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. 175.This is the classroom for us to study. 176.The ship hardly left the port when the storm came. 177.I have been waiting you for a long time. 178.How dare you say such thing to my face? 179.The time is sure to come when my words come true. 180.I really don’t know how to do.

171As→Since 172which→with which 173add “That” before the sentence 174seated→were seated 175study→study in 176hardly→had hardly 177 waiting→waiting for 178such→such a 179 when→that180how→what


161.We all thought it was him who had stolen it. 162.He is going to shoot some sparrows in the trees. 163.The king let him chose what he liked. 164.He ordered us not speak so loudly. 165.Turn to the right, you will find the post office. 166.We all felt if we were going to fly. 167.Tell me the best way which to express my thanks. 168.It is certain he will come. 169.I found strange that she had not come yet. 170.We all considered it a pity you could not come with us.

161him→he 162shoot→shoot at 163chose→choose 164not→not to 165you→and you 166if→as if 167drop “which” 168he→that he 169found→found it 170pity→pity that

