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451. Does she matter if she is a bit late for the meeting? 452. Did you have any difficulties in making the machine move again? 453. Having lived in Shanghai for many years , he knew the city very much. 454. How about invited her to dinner tonight? 455. We made up our mind to do our best to make progress. 456. It has rained for days and the river has raised about five feet. 457.There was nothing in his talk which interested me. 458.Mary was among the girls who was praised at the meeting. 459.The number of the passengers killed in the accident are surprising. 460.I have made this clear to her that the job is very important.

451change the first “she” into “it” 452difficulties→difficulty 453 much→well454invited→inviting455mind→minds456raised→risen457which→that 458 was →were459 are→is460this→it


441. I remember she was killed in an accident in a rainy day. 442. She hasn’t got used to speak in public yet. 443. Tom failed again in his English exam, this made his father very angry. 444. Jane hasn’t come yet. What do you suppose having happened to her? 445. Even if inviting , I won’t go. 446. The Yangtze River is the fourth long river in the world. 447. One of the students sit in front gave a different answer to the question. 448. The trousers are made very small. The cloth have been wasted. 449. It’ll be some time when the building is completed. 450. They lost the game. How they wish they didn’t.

441in→on 442speak→speaking 443this→which 444 having→has445inviting→invited 446 long→longest447sit→sitting 448have→has 449when→before 450didn’t→hadn’t


431. These days I am considering change my job. 432. Will the people sit at the back please keep quiet? 433. Probably I’ll stay four and five days with my uncle. 434. Three fourths of the earth are covered by water. 435. That she learned from you made her very sad for a few weeks. 436. Now a color TV set costs much less than it was years ago. 437. It is said that the man has been found and was sent to hospital. 438. I could have helped her but she didn’t ask me. 439. She was just about get into sleep when the baby began to cry. 440. Last Sunday I went to town, buying some apples and visited my grandma.

431change→changing 432sit→sitting 433and→or 434 are→is435 That→What436was→did 437drop “was” 438me→me to 439about→about to 440visited→visiting


421. The light in the hall is still turned on. I have to go and turn it off. 422. Why did she refused to take his presents is not known. 423. Usually at the begin of a meeting, we sang the national song. 424. He was quite out of breathe when he got there. 425. After quickly washing my clothes, I went to receive her at the station. 426. Look up! There’s danger ahead. 427. ”Do you know she doesn’t like you?” “No, I don’t. Nor don’t I care.” 428. “How is your mother now. “She is a lot of better, .thank you. 429. To my mind, this novel is far much interesting than that one. 430. Tom is a good boy, except he is sometimes a little careless.

421drop “turned” 422drop “did” 423begin→beginning 424 breathe→breath425 quickly→quick426up→out 427don’t→do 428drop “of” 429much→more 430except→except that


411. Only then did I realized that I had made a mistake. 412. I wonder if you will be kind to carry the bag for me. 413. I didn’t learn to ride a car until I was forty. 414. We hoped each other the best of luck in the exam. 415. Sorry, your letter is still in my pocket. I forgot post it. 416. The speaker is an old professor in his sixty’s. 417. The fish has gone bad. It smells terribly. 418. When she came, you were on your way to get the key you have left in the office. 419. Last night my father worked late into the night, prepared a report for the meeting. 420. I once suggested give us students more free time.

411realized→realize 412kind→kind enough 413ride→drive 414hoped→wished 415post→to post 416sixty’s→sixties 417terribly→terrible 418have→had 419 prepared →preparing420give→giving


401. Does this river go across the town or around it? 402. The town has population of forty thousand. 403. Please tell me all what he told you the other day. 404. Although he is considered a great writer, still his works are not widely read. 405. It won’t be long before they will get married. 406. What a fun it is to go swimming in summer. 407. They spent many years save enough money to build a house of their own. 408. Man can travel in the space. 409. Will you join in us if we decide to do the new experiment? 410. She is thinking about what do next.

401around→round 402has→has a 403what→that 404still→yet 405drop “will” 406drop “a” 407save→saving 408drop “the” 409drop “in” 410do→to do


391. Having read the magazine, so he put it in its place. 392. The woman stands there is a friend of my mother’ s. 393. Food, such as rice and vegetables , have been wasted a lot by the students. 394. Much have been done about the pollution. 395. There will be a lot of more people in this developing area. 396. The sun’s light and heat make possible for plants to grow better. 397. Does the air in this city use to be very dirty? 398. His parents prevented him from sent to Tibet. 399. Mary had her hair burning while doing cooking. 400. Plastics is used to taking the place of wood in many fields.

391drop “so” 392stands→standing 393have→has 394have→has 395drop “of” 396make→make it 397Does→Did 398sent→being sent 399buring→burned 400taking→take


381. Why worry? It’s nothing serious. 382. It’s years after I painted a picture. 383. He ran in and told us the excited news. 384. As a student, I didn’t use to playing football. 385. All the work here was done by hands. 386. Excuse me, shall I have the word with you? 387. He is not here. He can have gone to the library. 388. The dress my aunt bought me isn’t fit me. 389. I t was raining hard and he prevented from going out. 390. You’d better not have the machine work too long.

381worry→worried382after→since383excited→exciting384playing→play385hands→hand386the→a387can→may388isn’t→doesn’t 389prevnted→was prevented 390work→working


371. I can’t decide if to go and see him or not. 372. I won’t believe it until I had seen it myself. 373. Let me fit the new clothes in my son. 374. The fact which he gave up smoking delighted his wife. 375. The young man looks strange on that suit. 376. Do you know who is in the charge of the children here? 377. I need a cloth to wipe out the mud with. 378. All he could do were to go back home. 379. Thank you for the pleasing evening. 380. I was told to go there at once, that I followed.

371 if→wether 372had→have 373in→on 374which→that 375on→in 376drop “the” 377 a cloth→a piece of cloth378were→was 379pleasing→pleasant 380that→so


361. They kept on coming to the hospital and see him. 362. I don’t think the TV set took him so much money. 363. He’s getting old. He doesn’t eat as many as before. 364. Why not stopping for a rest under that tree? 365. Your voice sounds quite different in the phone. 366. It’s very nice for you to help me. 367. Who’s younger, Rose and Mary? 368. Could you tell me when he has arrived? 369. I’m sorry I have such little money on me. 370. By that time, she had falled asleep.

361see→seeing362took→cost363many→much 364stopping→stop 365in→on 366for→of 367and→or 368drop “has” 369such→so 370falled→fallen

