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16. The old woman was    angry    say a word.

    A. too, to      B. so, to     C. very, to    D. too, too


15. The little boy     when he got some sweets.

    A. stopped crying   B. stop cry   C. stop to cry   D. stop crying


14.We enjoyed    there for two months.

    A. to live    B. live in    C. living    D. living in   


13.Jack, with his parents    leave for Hefei soon.

    A. are going to  B. is going to  C. am going to  D. be going to


(  ) you tell me       ?

    A. where is he  B. where he is  C. how old is he   D. what can he do

12.Your idea sounds     .

    A. well    B. beautiful   C. nicely   D. good


10.Maria is going to travel s    (地方) interesting with her friends next time.


9. All the students made their New Year’s r    (决心) at the beginning of this term.


8. She f    (完成) making her last movie.


7. Do you like b    (临时照看) my little sister at home?


6. Speaking in front of so many people, he can’t keep c    (平静).

