0  235008  235016  235022  235026  235032  235034  235038  235044  235046  235052  235058  235062  235064  235068  235074  235076  235082  235086  235088  235092  235094  235098  235100  235102  235103  235104  235106  235107  235108  235110  235112  235116  235118  235122  235124  235128  235134  235136  235142  235146  235148  235152  235158  235164  235166  235172  235176  235178  235184  235188  235194  235202  447090 

101.There was a heavy rain last night. 102.This is one of the most exciting football games which I have ever seen. 103.Where is my trousers? 104.Generally speaking, when a child learns to read, he usually begins from A,B,C. 105. Mr Zhang’s English is perfect, so he has made lots of foreign friends from English-spoken countries. 106.The police has been going all out to search for the prisoner all over the country for two weeks. 107.I was caught by the rain last night. 108.Has he returned back yet? 109.It took us two hours to walk across the forest. 110.He had little to eat and a large house to live in.

101drop “a” 102 which-that 103is-are 104from-with 105English-spoken→Englsih-speaking 106has-have 107by-in 108drop “back” 109across-through 110and-but


91. You had better go and see him, didn’t you? 92. We must devote every effort to finish the task on time. 93. We’ll never forget the days when we spent together happily in the middle school. 94. He has written many books , two of them are widely read. 95. How did you like the dancers and their performances which you saw at the party? 96. Is there any place for me in the car? 97. He hid himself after a tree. 98. My neighbor is a seventy-years-old woman. 99. He was wounded with a stone. 100. It was yesterday when he broke the window.

91didn’t-hadn’t 92finish-finishing 93when-which 94whem-which 95which-that 96place-space 97after-behind 98years-year 99with-by 100when-that


81. The machine is used to working for man. 82. She married the man because what he had done for her. 83. A hundred of people attended the meeting last night. 84. Tell me how long she will be back, in ten days or a week? 85. What did you do in the evening of May Day? 86. “You will be late for school unless you will get up at five.”said mother. 87. It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out. 88. Thanks the teacher’s help, I have made great progress in my English study. 89. People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer. 90. The computer is an useful machine that can do many things for us.

81working-work 82because-because of 83drop “of” 84long-soon 85 in-on 86 drop “will”87easy-easier88Thanks-Thanks to 89great-greatly 90an-a


71. What a terrible weather we have been having! 72. The composition is well written except a few spelling mistakes. 73. The students have to follow the teacher’s advice, haven’t they? 74. Autumn has come and it is time for harvest the rice. 75. Please put everything back and tidy the lab in the end of your experiment. 76. “Listen to me carefully; do all what I’ll tell you to do,” said the teacher.. 77. The other day we dropped in on the village. 78. There will not be enough rooms for such a large population in the future. 79. “Help yourselves with the fish. It’s very delicious.” mother said to the guests. 80. To my opinion, computers will enter every family in the near future.

71 drop “a”72except-except for 73haven’t-don’t 74harvest-harvesting 75in-at 76what-that 77on-at 78To-In 79with-to 80To-In


61. I don’t think he can do the work well, can’t he? 62. The book which brought for me by my brother cost a lot of money. 63. You must do everything you can help them. 64. The farmers re very busy today and they will stop working until dark. 65. After mixing the three together, he dipped one of his finger into the cup. 66. The old man asked a policeman,” Could you show me how get to the post office? 67. The teacher found a cup broken and tried to find who had broken it. 68. In England as early as the twelve century, young people enjoyed playing football. 69. Jack regretted not go to the meeting last week. 70. I have lost my key; I can’t remember where I forgot it.

61can’t-can 62which-which was 63help-to help 64will-will not 65finger-fingers 66how-how to 67find-find out 68twelve-twelfth 69go-going 70forgot-left


51. He’ll leave Beijing to Paris tomorrow. 52. He devoted his life for his country. 53. There having no buses, we had to walk home. 54. Being Sunday today, we don’t have to work. 55. Not had studied his lessons well, he failed in the exam. 56. My brother has turned an engineer for two years. 57. I have three letters to be answer this afternoon. 58. The recorder needs be repaired before it can be used. 59. Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates. 60. They may go to London, but they were not certain .

51to-for 52 for-to 53 having-being 54 being-It being 55had-had he 56turned-been 57drop “be” 58needs-needs to 59 drop “so” 60 may-might


41. I don’t doubt whether I’m able to finish the work on time. 42. Would you be kind as to turn off the TV set? 43. Do you know what do these words mean? 44. Hearing her name calling, she rushed out of the room. 45. Do you know anything about the accident happened in the village yesterday? 46. The little girl hurried home with the remained money. 47. Speak slowly and try to make yourself understand 48. The population of Zhengzhou is fewer than that of Beijing. 49. My father has two brothers , both of them are all Party members. 50. I followed Mr.Smith entering the office. 41 drop “don’t” 42be-be so 43drop “do” 44 calling-called 45 happened-that happened 46 remained-remaining 47 understand-understood 48 fewer-smaller 49 them-which 50 entering-into


31. an-a 32 add “have” before “bought” 33 who-whoever 34That-As 35 right 36 don’t-not 37but-but to 38 softly-soft 39 clever-cleverest 40especially-specially.


31. It took place in France, an European country. 32. Would you bought the dictionary if you had had more money yesterday? 33. I shall lend the money to who comes first. 34. That is known to all, Taiwan belongs to China. 35. What was it that woke up the baby? 36. “Do you mind getting me some water?” “Certainly don’t.” 37. He enjoyed nothing but listen to music. 38. Cotton feels softly. 39. He is by far the clever student in our class. 40. I came here especially to ask you for advice.


21. drop “out” 22.know-recognize 23.drop “of” 24 drop “again” 25 speak-say 26 drop “for” 27 add “about” before Mary 28.spent-took 29.shall-would 30 drop “to”

