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12. -Why is the floor all red?

-Because I dropped ______ just now.

A. some red ink       B. some tomatoes       C. a red ball


11. -______ went home for the weekend.

-Yeah, there aren’t many people left at school.

A. All of the students   B. Most of the students  C. None of the students


10. The weather in Beijing is quite different from ______ in Kunming.

   A. it                  B. the one              C. that


9. The coat is ______ expensive that she can’t afford to buy it.

   A. such               B. rather               C. so


8. We ______ success.

   A. hope you           B. wish you            C. wish your


7. She said that the question was not worth ______ again and again.

   A. discussing          B. to discuss            C. discussed 


6. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese, because it tastes too ______.

A. healthy            B. hot                 C. strong


5. You     be careful with fire in the forest. It’s dangerous.

A. must              B. may                  C. can


4. -Would you like to have milk tea with me this Sunday?

       -I’d love to, but I’m sorry I have     time.

A. never              B. no                   C. not


3. Would you mind ______ he attends the meeting?

   A. that                B. if               C. how

