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28. We need friends to _____ , or we will feel ________.

  A. chat, alone                 B. chat with, lonely          C. talk with, alone


27. I hope you ______ your journey home.

  A. to enjoy                B. enjoying                C. will enjoy 


26. --- Could you tell me ________ the bikes this morning?

  --- He did it with the help of his father.

  A. how did he fix up            B. how he fixes up             C. how he fixed up


25. The bus is too crowded. I prefer ______ rather than_____.

   A. walk home; take the bus  B. to take the bus; walk home  C. to walk home; take the bus


24. --- Have you ever seen “Home With Kids” ?

--- Yes, I like it a lot. It’s one of _____TV plays I’ve ever seen.

A. more interesting          B. the most interesting       C. the least interesting


23. --- Why do you think the man is running ?

--- He might ____ to catch a bus.

  A. running                     B. is running                C. be running    


22. --- How bad! I always get    .They look terrible!

---You’d better     too much fried food.

A. nervous; not eat           B. tired; not to eat           C. pimples; not eat  


21. Stephen Hawking who can’t walk or even speak is a famous and successful ______.

A. scientist                  B. athlete                   C. writer


Ⅳ. Listen to a dialogue and a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words.

  (听一篇对话和一篇短文,  用恰当的单词填空完成76-85 小题, 每空一词。 听三遍)

(请将76-85 的答案填写在第11页答题卷上)

Text A

Used to
have long and (76)      hair
has short and (77)      hair
shy, friendly and (78)       
a bank clerk
a (79)      
keep pets
collects (80)       

Text B

A student’s rules
²     Practice English from 6:30 to 7:00 every morning.
²     Don’t (81)        with others after school.
²     (82)        watch TV on school nights.
²     Be bed as soon as homework is (83)        .
²     Do some extra English (84)       on weekends.
²     Help mom with the housework on weekends.
²     Go to Children’s Palace to practice the (85)       on weekends.




Ⅲ. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to Question 16-20.

(听一篇较长对话和一篇短文, 然后选择正确答案作答16-20小题。听两遍)

Text A

16. Miss Zhang works in a ______________ .

  A. clothes shop               B. bookshop          C. shoe shop

17. ___________ rules are mentioned in the dialogue.

  A. Two                     B. Three                   C. Four

Text B

18. Peter is in school for _______ years.

  A. nine                     B. four                 C. five

19. Peter lives_____________ his school.

  A. far from                  B. next to               C. near

20. The guidepost (指示牌) at the street corner is for ______ .

  A. drivers                   B. Peter                C. Peter’s aunt

