0  235378  235386  235392  235396  235402  235404  235408  235414  235416  235422  235428  235432  235434  235438  235444  235446  235452  235456  235458  235462  235464  235468  235470  235472  235473  235474  235476  235477  235478  235480  235482  235486  235488  235492  235494  235498  235504  235506  235512  235516  235518  235522  235528  235534  235536  235542  235546  235548  235554  235558  235564  235572  447090 

32. --- They have ___________ homework this weekend.

  --- That’s too bad.

    A. much too                 B. too much                 C. too many


31. It is raining hard, so she _________ stay at home and watch TV.

    A. has to                   B. have to                   C. had to


30. Listen! A small number of students ___________ in the classroom.

     A. talk                    B. are talking                C. is talking


29. --- What can I do for you?

  --- Please___________ two apples and then ___________.

    A. peel; cut up them           B. peels; cut them up           C. peel; cut them up


28. --- Let’s make fruit salad.

  --- ___________ .

     A. What do you say    ?           B. That’s a good idea           C. Sorry, I don’t  


27. His grandmother is well because she often ___________ .

    A. smokes                  B. exercises                  C. sleeps    


26. --- ___________ ?

  --- At seven on Sunday evening.

A. Where is your birthday party           

B. How is your birthday party

C. When is your birthday party


25. --- How long does it ___________ you to get to school from home by bus?

--- It takes ten minutes.

    A. take                     B. takes                    C. taking    


24. --- What’s Jim doing for vacation?

  --- ___________.

    A. He does his homework at home   

B. He went to Beijing last week  

C. He’s visiting his uncle        


23. --- I have a toothache. 

 --- ___________.

    A. Wonderful            B. You shouldn’t eat anything       C. You should see a dentist

