0  235362  235370  235376  235380  235386  235388  235392  235398  235400  235406  235412  235416  235418  235422  235428  235430  235436  235440  235442  235446  235448  235452  235454  235456  235457  235458  235460  235461  235462  235464  235466  235470  235472  235476  235478  235482  235488  235490  235496  235500  235502  235506  235512  235518  235520  235526  235530  235532  235538  235542  235548  235556  447090 

4. arrived, UFO, the, you, were ,what, doing, when


3.lazy, was ,I, teacher , said, my, math


2. helping, said, she, changed others, life, her


1.If , go to, party, you, will , time, have, a , great, you ,the


1.You could write him a letter.     (  )

2.Maybe you should call him up.    (  )

3.you should say you’re sorry.     (  )

4.Maybe you could go to his house.   (  )

5.you could give him a ticket to a ball game.

a. it’s not easy.            (  )

b. I don’t want to surprise him.

 c. I don’t have enough money. 

d. I don’t like writing letters. 

 e. I don’t want to talk about it on the phone


20.When I got there ,I saw some boys _____ on the playground.

A. playing  B. played  C. to play  D. was waiting


19.I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love _____ it .

A.with  B. in  C. to  D. for


18. -How do you go to the zoo tomorrow?

  -If it ______ tomorrow ,I’ll go there by car.

  A. raining B. rain   C. rains D. will rain


17.____ is easy for a child to qake up and know where they are.

A. It . B. That  C. This D. What


16. Every one _____ a credit card in the future.

A. will have  B. are having  C. have  D. had

