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15.(   ) His father could hardly walk any more, _______?

      A. Does he      B. Doesn’t he      C. could he     D. couldn’t he


14.(   ) _______ you _______any teenage problems like us? .

      A. Do, got       B. Do, have got      C. Have, got   D. Are, have got


13.(   ) They learned it all by themselves. That is to say nobody told them ________ .

A. what to do it  B. how to do it   C. where to do   D. when to do


12.(   ) I feel very worried when I can’t think of anyone _________.

A. to talk     B. talk to      C. to talk to      D. to talk to about


11.(   ) _______ advice it sounds!

        A. How useful        B. What useful    C. What a useful   D. How usefully


10.(   ) ---I’m too busy, could you do _______ to help me?

      --- Of course. I can do _______ for you if you want me to.

        A. anything, something            B. something, anything 

C. anything, anything             D. something, something


9.(   ) Jack is very funny, he always makes us _______

        A. laugh         B. laughing       C. to laugh       D. laughs


8.(   ) The most important is we need to learn how to _______ his problem.

        A. deal with      B. do           C. tell          D. know


7.(   ) –Are there any eggs in the fridge?     ---_______ . Let’s go an buy some.

        A. Nothing       B. None         C. NO          D. Not

