0  235402  235410  235416  235420  235426  235428  235432  235438  235440  235446  235452  235456  235458  235462  235468  235470  235476  235480  235482  235486  235488  235492  235494  235496  235497  235498  235500  235501  235502  235504  235506  235510  235512  235516  235518  235522  235528  235530  235536  235540  235542  235546  235552  235558  235560  235566  235570  235572  235578  235582  235588  235596  447090 

6. A. a rest      B. an exam    C. a lesson     D. a picnic


5. A. work      B. time      C. room       D. money


4. A. enjoyable    B. enough     C. good       D. useful


3. A. agree      B. decide     C. understand    D. disagree


2. A. not a      B. another     C. one       D. other


1. A. Also      B. But      C. Still       D. Though


VII. 写作。(10分)


   My favourite season is _______________________________________________________







41. _______      42. ______   43. ________     44. _________           45. _______


IV. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

   Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is   31   important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get back. However(然而), when time is   32   , it’ll never   33  . That is   34   we mustn’t waste(浪费)time.

   So we say that   35    is usually short. Even a second(秒)is very important. We should make full use of our time to do something   36   .

   But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spend their time smoking, drinking and   37   . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own   38  .

   In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t   39   today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to   40   .

31.(   ) A. much      B. less       C. much less      D. even more

32.(   ) A. cost       B. bought        C. gone         D. finished

33.(   ) A. return      B. carry      C. take          D. bring

34.(   ) A. what      B. that       C. because       D. why

35.(   ) A. money     B. time      C. day          D. food

36.(   ) A. sunny      B. interesting  C. useful        D. exciting

37.(   ) A. reading     B. writing    C. playing       D. working

38.(   ) A. time       B. food      C. money           D. life

39.(   ) A. stop       B. leave      C. let           D. give

40.(   ) A. waste      B. save      C. spend         D. take

V. 用方框中所给的句子填空。请将正确答案的序号填在题后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

   Receptionist:   41   Madam?

   Alice: I want a single room. I booked(预定)it three days ago.

   Receptionist:   42  .

   Alice: It’s Alice. Alice White.

   Receptionist: Oh, yes. Here it is. You want a single room.

   Alice:   43   And if it is possible, I’d like a room on the ground floor.

   Receptionist:   44   all the rooms on the ground floor have already been taken. But we do have a nice room that overlooks the hotel swimming pool. It is on the second floor.

   Alice: Thank you.   45   is the restaurant still open?

   Receptionist: I’m afraid not. But you can order room service.

   Alice: OK. Thank you.

