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54. According to the nominal rate of the semiannual compounding interest, how much would be the six-month interest for a $ 150,000 CD customer?

  A. $3759.375     B. $ 375     C. $7510      D. $ 3750


53. What can be concluded about investment?

A. The rate is more than the yield when the investment pays interest every two years.

B. The rate equals to the yield when the investment pays interest every half year.

C. The more frequently interest is paid, the higher the yield is.

D. The more frequently interest is paid, the lower the yield is.


52. Which of the following flowcharts (流程图) best describes bank management?

A. lender←pay interest to←bank→take higher interest from→borrower.

B. lender←pay higher interest to←bank→take interest from→borrower.

C. bank→match the lender and the borrower→take interest from both.

D. borrower→take interest from→lender→pay interest to→bank.


51. What is the main purpose of the bank to deposit people’s money?

  A. To keep for future use.     B. To make loans.

  C. To lend it to the needed.     D. To manage the bank.


50. The best headline for this passage might be ______.

A. One-in-three socializes in online world  

B. How to deal with the hoards who socialize online

C. How to farm vegetable in online world   D. Employers and employees


When you save money in a bank account, an interest-bearing checking account or a certificate (证书) of deposit (储蓄)-CD, you’re lending that bank your money. The bank uses that money in fact, borrowing money from you and paying you interest for the right to use your money to lend to someone else.

  Of course, the bank then charges that borrower an even higher interest rate to more than the interest it’s paying the lender. Interest is computed as a percentage of the amount of the loan (贷款).

Here are examples to compute interest.

  You may see a $10,000 CD with a 5-percent annual interest rate, which is yearly,but right next to it is the annual percentage yield (收益) number and it’s higher.

  The difference between rate and yield is determined by how frequently interest is paid, and how it is paid.

  If you have a CD with a 5-percent nominal (名义上的) rate, then interest is calculated by multiplying 5 percent by the amount invested and by the part of year the money is invested.

  Let’s say interest pays annually. A $ 10, 000 investment will earn $ 500 in interest. ($ 10, 000 ×percent×1 year) When an investment (投资) pays interest annually, its rate and its yield are the same.

  If the 5 percent CD paid interest semiannually, the six-month interest payment would be $ 250 ($ 10,000×5 percent×0.5 years). The $ 250 payment starts earning interest and earns $6.25 in interest during the next six months ($250×5 percent×0.5 years).

  The first CD earned $ 500 in interest after a year and the second CD earned $ 506.25 in the interest. The rate and yield on the first CD is 5 percent. The rate on the second CD is 5 percent, but its yield is 5.06 percent. If interest was paid daily, the rate would be 5 percent but the yield would be 5.13 percent.

  These yield computations show that interest is invested in CD at the CD’s nominal rate.


49. The problem that the employees are crazy about the games online may exist ______.

   A. only in the developing countries     B. only in the developed countries

   C. only in the poor countries       D. in many countries across the world


48. This passage is probably taken from a _______.

   A. magazine   B. website  C. book on website   D. news report 


47. The underlined phrase “Anti-loser Union” in the sixth paragraph is most likely to mean _____.

   A. a group of people who are monitoring the employees

B. a party whose members are all losers

C. a crowd of people gathering together to fight against their boss

D. an organization that fights against unhealthy tendency in the work


46. What’s the reaction of some employers to the fact that employees are spending more time socializing online than they are on their jobs?

A. They can understand the employees’ behaviors.

B. They will fine very heavily or dismiss those who socialize on line at work.

C. They will try to stop networking sites entering the companies or forbid the employees to use them for socializing online.

D. They can do nothing about it.


45. What was the reaction from the society to Twins’ success?

  A. All the people supported and love them..  B. All the people blamed them and their mother.

  C. None of the people supported them

  D. Their success leads to a hot debate across the Singapore.


Some employers are blocking social networking sites over fears that employees are spending more time socializing online than they are on their jobs.

The revelation came as a new report from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) revealed that around one-third of Chinese people regularly met up with online friends in the virtual world.

. The document said more than half (52.4 percent) of the users were aged between 20 and 29.

Xiao Yu, 28, an employee from a Beijing-based IT company, is among the hoards who socialize online. "I cannot leave Kaixin now," said Xiao.

Kaixin, one of the hottest networking sites in China, says it has more than 40 million users.

Xiao, who lives alone and who does not have a boyfriend, said she has lots of fun chatting online to her 300 friends. She also farms vegetables and takes care of a pet in her virtual world

Xiao said the first thing she does after she arrives home each day is log on to Kaixin to see if her vegetables have been stolen by online thieves. Many other employers have tried to keep networking sites out of the workplace. More than 500 companies have joined an "Anti-loser Union", which tries to stop employees from over-indulging in online chatting and social networking.

In October, a study commissioned by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing and consulting firm, found 54 percent of companies in the US had banned workers from using social networking sites including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace.

The study also found that 19 percent of companies allowed social networking use for business purposes only, while 16 percent allow limited personal use

