0  379454  379462  379468  379472  379478  379480  379484  379490  379492  379498  379504  379508  379510  379514  379520  379522  379528  379532  379534  379538  379540  379544  379546  379548  379549  379550  379552  379553  379554  379556  379558  379562  379564  379568  379570  379574  379580  379582  379588  379592  379594  379598  379604  379610  379612  379618  379622  379624  379630  379634  379640  379648  447090 

2.字形错误的一项是                     (    )

A.寥廓     笙箫      苍茫      峥嵘岁月

B.阻遏     瓦非      磅礴      击浊扬清

C.萧瑟     彳亍      忤视      宫商角徵

D.糯米     漂泊      啖肉      箕踞以骂



1.加点字注音错误的一项是                  (    )

A.百(gě  )  颓(pǐ  )   (pā   )  火(bō  )

B.团(jī  )  青(xíng)   (zhuì )  心(fǔ   )

C.药(cuì  )  目(chēn)  生(zōu  )  犒(xiǎng)

D.肩(zhì  )  刀(zǔ  )  八创(chuāng)  酒(zhī  )


86. The teacher told the children not make any noise.
87. Though it was very cold, but he went out without an overcoat.
88. How do you think of the bicycle of this model?
89. He found that important to make friends with others.
90. We human beings must keep the balance of the nature.
91. The boss got his workers entire in his power.
92. It’s no use cry over the spilt milk.
93. He can speak German fluent.
94. The match between Class 4 and Class 5 is sure to be excited.
95. Mike suggested that we would stay at home for a rest.



 1.7月29 日,星期六,天气晴朗;

 2. 我们从上午6:00出发,乘火车于9:00到达北戴河;

 3. 上午,我们在沙滩上做游戏;在饭店吃饭;下午,我们沿


 4. 下午5:30返回到了学校。


85. The street lights come on at d________ and go off at dawn.


84. It made her u_________ that she didn’t do well in the final exam.


83. Zhao Benshan speaks with a Liaoning a____________, which sometimes sounds very funny.


82. Go s_____ ahead, then turn left at the first cross, and you will find the subway station.


81. Sally came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly r________ her.


80. Henry isn’t interested in maths so he always _________ ( 忽视 ) what his teacher says.


79. As far as I’m _______________ (就我而言), the sooner, the better.

