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第一节  单项填空(共15 小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)

21 He spends all his spare time on physics , and he __________ the subject.

  A .is crazy of     B .is crazy about      C.is concerned about         D.is concerned for

22 Although I often send e-mails to Tom , I have never seen him  _________ .

  A.face to face    B.on purpose       C.at the moment       D.hand in hand

23 She was angry at first but we managed to ________ her ________  .

  A.calm ; down       B.add ;up      C.try ; out          D.throw ; away

24 -- You went to the US last month, didn’t you?

  -- Yes .That was he first time that I  _________ there .

A.had been        B.had gone         C.went         D.have  been

25 --My sister is very upset today .

  --It’s your fault. . You ___________the bad news to her yesterday.

  A.should tell       B.should have told         C. shouldn’t have told          D.must tell

26 In the office I smiled at her but she just _________ me .

  A.cheated            B.ignored          C.trusted       D.forgot

27 It was because of bad weather _________ the football match had to be put off.

  A .so          B.so that        C.why           D.that

28 Li Min’s parents thought he was at school , but  ______he was in a cinema seeing a new film .

  A.actually         B.of course        C.however            D.surely

29 As my teacher hadn’t changed a lot , I _________  him at once.

A.realized      B.knew           C.remembered        D.recognized

30 Most Irish people go to __________ church on Sundays and ________ church plays an important ________ in people ‘s lives.

  A.the ; the ; part      B. / ; the ; role        C. / ; / ;part     D. the ; / ; role

31 We ‘re going to do some shopping . Will you _________ us?

  A.take part in         B.join in        C.join         D.take

32 --I missed the first part of the film . It was really a pity .

  --You  _________ home half an hour earlier .

  A.should have left         B.must have left  C.should leave  D.must leave

33 The nurse told the children that the sun  _________in the east .

  A .risen           B .rose             C. rises        D .rising

34 People in Britain speak the same language  __________ Americans do.

  A .which           B .what             C .like          D. as

35 I don’t like  __________ you speak to her..

  A .the way       B .the way in that      C. the way which   D.the way of which 




(2)设函数g(x)=f/(x)-6,对满足-1≤a≤1的一切a的值,都有g(x) <0恒成立,求实数x的取值范围。


成  绩









