 0  20506  20514  20520  20524  20530  20532  20536  20542  20544  20550  20556  20560  20562  20566  20572  20574  20580  20584  20586  20590  20592  20596  20598  20600  20601  20602  20604  20605  20606  20608  20610  20614  20616  20620  20622  20626  20632  20634  20640  20644  20646  20650  20656  20662  20664  20670  20674  20676  20682  20686  20692  20700  97155 

科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


1. 帮助母亲做家务;

2. 送礼物;

3. 写贺卡。


Dear Sandy,

I'm very glad to receive your letter.                                               



Have you got any other ideas? Look forward to your reply.

Best wishes.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

38、Alfred Korzybski believes that all human beings lead a kind of double life. First, people live in an internal (内在的) world of ideas, feelings, etc. The happenings in this world are patterns of events in the human nervous system . Secondly , people live in a world outside their skins, the external(外在的)world of “reality”. The happenings in this world are patterns of events best known to science.

The first world, the patterns of events inside our skins, Korzybski called the INTEN- SIONAL areA.The second, the patterns of events outside our skins, he called the EXTEN- SIONAL area . Think for a moment about the two worlds in which you live. Look , for example, at the following diagram:


“cat”                             An object we call “cat”.

The word "cat ".                        A pattern of physical and

The image of this cat.                    chemical events best

Ideas about cats.                        known to science.

Feelings about cats.

Physical tensions aroused

by the cat: the urge to

pick it up, to kick it, etc.

Thinking along these lines , Alfred Korzybski began to see what was wrong with the great number of people: they confused intensional events with extensional “reality”. He believed that too many people mistake the events in their own nervous systems for events in the outside world . When they get lost in a strange city , more often than not they are angry at the map they use. In fact, it’s the maps of words in their heads that are to blame.

1.According to Alfred Korzybski, we human beings live in__________.

    A.the world of ideas

    B.the world of reality

    C.either the world of ideas or that of reality

    D.both the world of ideas and that of reality

2.The INTENSIONAL area in the passage refers to the patterns of events__________.

       A.outside our skins                                  B.best known to science

       C.in the human nervous system          D.in the external world of reality

3.Which of the following belongs to EXTENSIONAL pattern?

       A.A computer on the shelf.               B.A computer is useful.

C.I like the computer.                    D.I want to buy the computer.

4.According to what Alfred Korzybski states in the last paragraph, you get lost because of _  .   

    A.the map you bring with you             B.the maps of words in your head

       C.the reality world before you                  D.the strange city you visit




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

36、Be confident my boy, _____ you are born rich or poor.

A.if            B.that         C.which      D.whether


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


地  点






外  观


用  途



Kofi Annan



注意:1.词数100左右; 2.短文的开头已为你写好; 3.短文须包括表中所提供的要点。

提示词语:  田径: track and field events    观众: spectators   建筑: architecture

Dear Tom,

In your last e-mail, you showed a great interest in our National Stadium — the Bird’s

Nest. Now I’d like to introduce it to you.


Yours faithfully,

Li Ming




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


1. chapter                     A. chorus                  B. stomach     C. chain             D. Christmas

2. worthy                  A. thread               B. further        C. worth             D. through

3. chief                 A. believe              B. lie              C. tie                 D. diet

4. biology            A. commercial       B. observe    C. occur           D. obvious

5. explanation        A. excellent            B. excuse              C. explain          D. express











科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

33、--- Have you heard of the North Korea’s nuclear test?

--- Yes, _____ news came as _____ shock to me.

A. the; a  B. the; the     C. a; a       D. a; the


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

32、____, this physics problem seemed quite simple, but when I tried to work it out, I just couldn’t.

A. On one hand   B. In my opinion   C. At first sight   D. On its own


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

31、The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now _____ the matter.

A. seeing through   B. working out   C. looking into   D. watching over

