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18.Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer.I always encourage such people,but I also explain that there's a big difference between"being a writer"and writing.In most cases these people are dreaming of wealth and fame,not the long hours alone at a typewriter."You've got to want to write,"I say to them,"not want to be a writer."
The reality is that writing is a lonely,private and poor-paying thing.For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose wishes are never rewarded.When I left a 20-year job in the U.S.Coast Guard to become a freelance writer,I had no hopes at all.What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building.It didn't even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom.I immediately bought a used typewriter and felt like a real writer.
After a year or so,however,I still hadn't got a break and began to doubt myself.It was so hard to sell a story that I hardly made enough to eat.But I knew I wanted to write.I had dreamed about it for years.I wasn't going to be one of those people who die wondering:What if?I would keep putting my dream to the test even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure.This is the shadow(阴影)land of hope,and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.

33.The passage is meant toB.
A.encourage young people to seek good jobs
B.warn young people of the suffering a successful writer has to experience
C.show young people it's unrealistic for writers to seek wealth and fame
D.advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a writer
34.Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first year of his writing work?D.
A.He wasn't able to have a rest for a whole year.
B.He wasn't able to produce a single book.
C.He found his dream would never come true.
D.He hadn't seen a change for the better.
35.What can be concluded from the passage?C.
A.Famous writers usually live a poor and lonely life.
B.Writers often find their work interesting and rewarding.
C.The chances for a writer to become successful are small.
D.A writer's success depends on luck rather than on efforts.

分析 作为一个成名的作家,作者在本文中讲述了自己成功路上的艰辛,告诫那些想成为作家的年轻人:写作是一项孤单寂寞而又收入微薄的工作,在数千名渴望成功的作家中,能获得命运垂青的只有寥寥数人而已.

解答 33-35 BDC
33题答案:B考查推理判断,文章开头提出I always encourage such people,but I also explain that there's a big difference between"being a writer"and writing.我总是鼓励这样的人,但是我也说明"作家"和"写作"之间是有很大的不同的.后面讲述了自己成功的艰辛.由此可知作者的目的是告诫那些年轻人想要成功是要历经磨难的,故本题答案为B选项.
34题答案:D考查细节推理,根据文章第三段的After a year or so,however,I still hadn't got a break and began to doubt myself.然而一年左右之后我没有任何突破并且开始怀疑我自己.可知本题答案为D选项.
35题答案:C考查细节推理,根据第二段的For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose wishes are never rewarded.每一个被命运垂青的人背后都有数以千计的梦想从未得到回报的人.可知作家成功的机会是很少的,故本题答案为C选项.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

To show our love for poor kids lived in mountainous areas,our school hold a special activity last week in our school square.Its purpose was to making sure those poor kids have a warm winter.All the teachers and students in our school took an actively part in this activity.We gave away 478pieces of clothes and 256pairs of shoe altogether.After be sorted,they will be sent to those in the need.I believe what they did will make a great difference to those poor kids.Although we all learn to care for others,the world will be more comfortable to live.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Let's face it.No one drinks diet sodas for the taste.People drink diet sodas in the hope that it will help them lose weight or at least keep them from gaining it.Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effect,according to a new study.
Researchers from the University of Texas said those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those who didn't drink diet sodas."What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drank,the more weight they were likely to gain,"said Sharon Fowler.
The study was based on data from 474participants in a large,ongoing research project,where the participants were followed for nearly 10years.
While the findings are surprising,they also offer some explanations.
Nutrition expert,Melanie Rogers,who works with overweight patients in New York,has found that when patients are switched from regular to diet sodas,they don't lose weight at all."We weren't seeing weight loss necessarily,and that was confusing to us,"said Rogers.
So why would diet soda cause weight gain?No one knows for sure yet,but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet sodas,and so over-compensate for the missing calories.
A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂)raised blood sugar levels in some mice."Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky,"said Helen P.Hazuda,professor at School of Medicine of the University of Texas."They may be free of calories,but not of consequences."

25.People drink diet sodas toC.
A.enjoy its taste        
B.stay in fashion
C.achieve weight loss   
D.gain more energy
26.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.regular sodas make people lose more weight
B.diet soda drinkers tend to eat more food
C.diet sodas do help reduce calories
D.most blood diseases come from diet sodas
27.The underlined word"They"in the last paragraph probably refers to"B".
B.diet sodas and artificial sweeteners
D.diet soda drinkers and sweetener takers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.With only two weeks to go before Christmas,buying presents is a lug priority for a lot of people.However,this year not so many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops.These days lots of people do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the Internet.
    Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons:prices are often lower online,you don't have to queue up in busy shops and you can buy almost any product imagin-able with just a few clicks of your mouse.
    Computer trends are often man-dominated but this year women are expected to do more shop-ping on the Internet than men.It seems.that women are now more attracted to the convenience of on-line shopping than they used to be.
Average spending online this Christmas by women will rise to 240comparedtotheslightlyloweraverage233 for men,while the average spending per person on the high street is only $197.70% of lnternet users,male and female,are now buying their Christmas gifts online.
In the past a lot of people were unwilling to shop online.Many were worried about the security of entering their card details on the Intemet and the reliability of the Internet but as shopping; online has become more widespread,these worries have begun to disappear.45% of Internet users still do have  security worries but it hasn't slowed the ever-increasing numbers of online shoppers.
    One victim of the online shopping boom is the UK high street.Christmas trading can represent up to 60% of turnover for some stores.Many companies are concerned that not enough shoppers are coming through their doors in the run-up to Christmas.As a result there are lots of special offers in the shops.Most shops traditionally have sales after Christmas but this year the bargains have come early.
68.Why don't people browse around the shops to buy Christmas presents thus year?C
     A.Because they don't have enough time.
     B.Because Christmas is two weeks away.
     C.Because they go shopping on the lnternet.
     D.Because it isn't convenient for them to leave their houses.
 69.Which of the following is NOT the reason for people liking online shopping?B
     A.Lower prices.B.Using the bank cards.
     C.Saving time.D.Buying almost whatever you want.
70.Why were people unwilling to shop online in the past?C
     A.Because men were against shopping online.
     B.Because there were fewer goods on the Internet.
     C.Because people worried about the safety of their bank cards.
     D.Because they didn't trust the quality of the goods on the Internet.
71.Many companies on the UK high street have special offers before ChristmasB
     A.to beat online shops                B.to attract more customers
     C.to reward the customers             D.to reduce the competitions among them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.Due to rising pollution and a strengthening yuan,Beijing saw its tourist numbers drop to 4.20million visits from January to November in 2013from 5.01million visits in 2012.
The number of overseas travelers to Beijing grew after the city hosted the 2008Olympics until 2012,when it saw a 3.8% (51)B,followed by the further drop last year.The unexpected drop in 2013came (52)D new policies introduced in a(n) (53)Ato support China's tourism industry.But only 14,000tourists (54)C the visa-free stopover,according to the Beijing General Station of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection,well short of the 20,000target officials had (55)C predicted.
Jiang Yiyi,deputy director of the Institute of International Tourism at the China Tourism Academy,(56)Bpart of the drop-off in foreign tourists to the strengthening yuan.
In 2013,the yuan increased almost 3% against the U.S.dollar,making"Beijing a more expensive (57)A than in the past",Jiang Yiyi noted."At the same time,"she said,"other countries have seen their tourist numbers grow as the currencies(货币) (58)D.While RMB is on the rise,currencies from some of China's(59)A for tourism,such as Japan,are depreciating(贬值),meaning travel to some other Asian countries has been getting cheaper while travel to China is becoming more expensive,"Jiang Yiyi said.In 2013,the Japanese yen fell 21% against the U.S.dollar,(60)B 10million overseas tourists.
The Beijing Tourism Development Commission noted that the country's battle with pollution is another(61)C cities face in attracting overseas tourists.
Heavy air pollution from Beijing to Shanghai,where pollution levels went off the charts in December,(62)Ddon't do much to help attract tourists.China's tourism officials are expecting to (63)B the trend of declining overseas visitors in 2014-possible,experts say,if it (64)A its outdated tour packages and lowers ticket prices.
Jiang Yiyi at the China Tourism Academy suggests China adopt a long-term national plan to (65)D the country's image and investment in overseas tourism to attract more visitors.

52.A.in addition toB.by means ofC.as a result ofD.in spite of
54.A.got familiar withB.came up withC.took advantage ofD.put emphasis on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Tower of London
Adult£18.00Child (5-12)£9.50
Family (Up to 2adults & 6children)£50.00Middle School Student£15.50
●1st March to 31st October
Tuesday to Saturday:9a.m.to 5:30p.m.Sunday & Monday:10a.m.to 5:30p.m.
●1st November to 28th February
Tuesday to Saturday:9a.m.to 4:30p.m.Sunday & Monday:10a.m.to 4:30p.m.
Exception:24th-26th December & 1st January (Closed)
HM Tower of London is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London,England.It was founded towards the end of 1066.It was built to frighten and control Londoners and to prevent foreign attackers.It's now a symbol of London and Britain and one of the world's leading tourist attractions.
●The White Tower
The White Tower,which gives the entire castle its name,was built by William in 1078,and was a disliked symbol of cruelty.
●Royal Beasts
The Royal Beasts is the earliest zoo in London!You can see sculptures (雕像) of lions,tigers,elephants and even a polar bear; discover how they came to be at the Tower and what became of them.You can also hear the amazing tales of how the animals were fed,watered and housed as well as different accidents when the public got a little close!
●Crown Jewels
The tradition of housing the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London probably dates from the time when Henry III was in power.The Jewel House was built specially to house the royal treasure(财富).When money was needed,the treasure could be sold.The treasure allowed the ruler to enjoy independence from the upper classes,and thus was closely watched.
●Prisoners of the Tower
Come and see what life was like imprisoned in the tower.Experience the sights,sounds and letters five hundred years ago.

51.If Mr.and Mrs.Green take their 6-year-old twin daughters to the Tower of London,they will spend at least£C.
A.36   B.40   C.50   D.55
52.What was the aim of the building of the Tower of London?D
A.To make it a home for rulers.
B.To show the wealth and power of the country.
C.To protect Londoners and fight against the enemy.
D.To put Londoners under control and protect the country.
53.Why did people hate the White Tower in the past?C
A.It could bring people bad luck.
B.It cost Londoners their lives and money to build the tower.
C.The tower stood for cruel ruling.
D.In the Tower the kings ordered people to do lots of hard work.
54.Which of the following could give a hand when the country was short of money in history?A
A.Crown Jewels.
B.Royal Beasts.
C.The White Tower.
D.Prisoners of the Tower.
55.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.The Tower of London is open all the year round.
B.The Royal Beasts was the first zoo ever built in London.
C.Most of the visitors dislike visiting the White Tower.
D.Crown Jewels help you know how the country got independence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The Friday after the American holiday of Thanksgiving is called Black Friday.It's said that it's the day that store ledgers(分类账)move into the black and companies become profitable.On that day,retailers slash(砍) prices to get consumers to buy.It is also a time when many Americans start their Christmas shopping.VOA's Elizabeth Lee tells us how the economy may affect consumers on that bargain day.
 This day should be a shopper's dream."It's just the deals,the sales and everything you can get for a lesser price,"said Sandy Thomas,a shopper.But it's a nightmare for others."I think it's crazy.I've done all of my shopping throughout the week so I don't have to go out on Friday,"she said.It's called Black Friday,the start of the traditional Christmas shopping season in the United States.Every year it's the day after the Thanksgiving holiday.Stores open before sunrise and there are deep discounts everywhere you look.
Last year a crowd of bargain-hunters killed a Wal-mart worker in a New York suburb.This year,many stores are increasing security while they slash prices."This is a huge time for the retail stores,"said Fred Joutz from George Washington University."This is when they begin making their profits for the year."
Economics professor Fred Joutz says how Americans spend the weekend after Thanksgiving is a good indication of how consumers feel about the future.
With the unemployment rate above 10 percent,Joutz says Americans are saving more and spending less.Some retailers are attracting consumers by opening on Thanksgiving Day,when shops are traditionally closed.Other stores open their doors anywhere from midnight to four in the morning.
And shoppers will be lining up in front of the doors in order to be one of the first ones to walk through and get a big discount.Electronics like flat screen TVs are usually the first items to go.Sandy Thomas says it's an annual family tradition and well worth it."I just save maybe half of what I would have spent on a regular,you know,shopping trip,"she said.
Economists say U.S.consumers will spend money this Black Friday,but they will spend it more carefully.
71.By saying"This day should be a shopper's dream",the writer meansD.
A.shoppers have longed for this day for a long time
B.the shops will be very crowded on that day
C.the shops will keep open until the daybreak of next day
D.shoppers can buy many items at low prices on that day
72.Why are many stores increasing security according to the passage?C
A.Because there are too many people saving more and spending less.
B.Because it's a time when they begin making their profits for the year.
C.Because last year a crowd of bargain-hunters caused an accident.
D.Because many stores open their doors from midnight to four a.m.
73.From the passage we know thatA.
A.Christmas shopping is traditional time and this year it is no exception.
B.Electronics like flat screen TVs are usually least discounted.
C.The economy only affects consumers on that bargain day.
D.Thanksgiving is a good indication of how consumers feel about the future.
74.We can find this passage inC.
A.a science fiction                       B.a travel brochure
C.an economic research report             D.a book on psychology
75.Why American people call it a black day?B
A.Because they organize activities in honor of some great person.
B.Because there are too many people going out shopping for Christmas.
C.Too many people are celebrating Thanks giving.
D.The sky is black that day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.The cheapest room and board in Jefferson City,Missouri,over the weekend was at the county jail(监狱),and 170 people gladly checked in.Cole County charged $ 30 a night for anyone who volunteered to go behind bare on Friday or Saturday night.So officials could give the new jail a test run before it opened for real this week.People from three states spent the night at the jail,including some lawyers and a couple celebrating their first anniversary. 
"It was something they could experience without having to get a criminal record,"Cole County Sheriff (治安官)Greg White said."They spent the night and gained all understanding that they would not want to ever do this again."
Jailers tried to give the citizens the full experience.They were told to give up their jewelry,cell phones,and other personal belongings.They were booked and photographed and led into the jail commons. They could keep their cell doors open,but that trapped feeling was still there because me outer room doors were locked,said Bob Watson,60,a reporter for the Jefferson City News-Tribune who spent Friday night at the jail."While it was not a true copy of jail,you got some sense of what it's like to hear that door lock behind you,"Watson said.
Two other feelings were boredom and a lack of choice,illustrated by the television being left on one channel and drowned out anyway by everybody talking.
Bed was a steel bunk with a thin mattress (垫).Overhead,a 40-watt bulb stayed lit through the night in each cell.Handy for guards to see inmates,but not helpful to good sleep.How about the food?Dinner Friday night included cheesy pasta with turkey bits and coffee cake."I wouldn't pay for it in a restaurant,but you won't die trying to eat it,"Watson said.
56.The 170 people stayed in the county jail toA.
A.make a holiday                       B.get punishment                
C.do a research                        D.makemoney
57.What's the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?C
A.The jailers performed their duty well.           
B.The jail's test run proved successful.
C.The 170 had the feeling of real prisoners.       
D.The 170 weren't treated as real prisoners.
58.The underlined phrase"illustrated by…"is used toC.
A.introduce a new topic                B.draw a conclusion             
C.give an example                      D.show the result
59.The 170 people were able toDin the county jail.
A.make phone calls                     B.sleep well            
C.go around freely                     D.chat with others
60.How did Watson like the food?B
A.He enjoyed it.                     
B.He didn't like it.
C.He thought it equaled a restaurant's.            
D.He didn't eat Mat all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.In 1879,a group of explorers made an incredible find.They discovered paintings of remarkable beauty on the walls of a cave in Spain.Some scientists believed that these paintings were created by early humans from the Stone Age,between ten and thirty thousand years ago.Other scientists and the public did not believe the claim,but over the years,it was proven correct.Our ancestors had incredible artistic talents.
Most of the cave art that has been discovered has been found in Spain and France.A smaller number of such caves are located in Italy,Portugal,Russia,and other countries.Scientists believe that many more caves will be discovered in the coming years,and are concentrating their efforts on Africa and the area between Europe and Asia.These two regions of the world were,populated first by humans.
Cave art was carved or painted on the walls and roofs of caves,usually near the entrance.The entrance area was probably chosen to take advantage of daylight and to allow many people to view the paintings.In some cases,the art appears much deeper in caves and requires artificial light.Evidence suggests that the artists used torches or shallow bowls in which animal fat was burned.
58.What was the response of general public to the discovery of cave art made by Stone Age people?B
A.They believed it at first.
B.They did not believe it.
C.They thought it was beautiful.
D.They ignored it.
59.According to the passage,what can we conclude about animal fat?C
A.It does not burn.
B.Stone Age artists used it to preserve their paintings.
C.It can be burned to produce light.
D.Stone Age artists mixed it with their food.
60.Where do scientists expect to find more cave paintings?D
A.In Central and South America.
B.In Spain and France.
C.In the places where there are caves with large openings.
D.In the regions of the world first populated by humans.
61.Where would this passage be most likely to appear?A
A.In a textbook about early human history.
B.In a textbook about modern art.
C.In a dictionary.
D.In an encyclopedia entry about caves.

