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49. The chair looks rather hard , but in fact , it is very comfortable to        .

   A. sit        B. sit on       C. be sat       D. be sat on


48. Mrs Smith warned her daughter        after drinking .

   A. never to drive  B. to never drive     C. never driving     D. never drive


47. They would not allow him        across the enemy line .

   A. to risk going   B. risking to go C. for risk to go D. risk going


46. They knew her very well . They had seen her       up from childhood .

   A. grow          B. grew        C. was growing D. to grow


45. Jane was made          the truck for a week as a punishment .

   A. to wash   B. washing     C. wash        D. to be washing


44. Though he had often made his little sister       , today he was made        by his little sister .

   A. cry ; to cry     B. crying ; crying    C. cry ; cry     D. to cry ; cry


43. She set out soon after dark       home an hour later .

   A. arriving   B. to arrive     C. having arrived    D. and arrived


42. On Saturday afternoon , Mr Green went to the market ,       some bananas and visited her cousin .

   A. bought   B. buying      C. to buy       D. buy


41. The salesman scolded the girl caught       and let her off .

   A. to have stolen  B. to be stealing     C. to steal D. stealing


40. The next morning she found the man          in bed , dead .

   A. lying          B. lie C. lay     D. laying

