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79. The driver drove __ hit a big tree and the car came to a stop.

A. too carelessly to B. carelessly enough to

C. so carelessly that he D. so careless that he


78. The man went into the room, _____ rather strange.

A. to look B. looking C. looked D. and looking


77. But she had to ___ the company and ____a man in order to get a job.

A. lie to; pretended to be B. lie; pretended to be

C. lie to; pretended being D. lie; pretended as


76. I _____ her voice at once on the phone, though we hadn't seen each other for ten years.

A. heard B. knew C. realized D. recognized


75. We have been _____ by all our friends since we settled in the new house.

A. called on B. called at C. called into D. called for


74. --Where do you think _____ he _____ the computer?

---Sorry, I have no idea.

A. /; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. had; bought


73. During the next ten years we both worked day and night to

_____ the money we had borrowed.

A. pay off B. pay for C. pay to D. pay back


72. She _____ a man _____ a lot of money.

A. was married; with B. married; with

C. marrietl; to D. was married; to


71. Don't think of the exam. _____, it has been passed quite a few days.

A. In all B. Not at all C. After all D. At all


70. I'm wondering_____ he expects will win the gold medal in Men's Single.

A. whom B. which C. who D. what

