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Back when our children were small, who could have imagined what life would hold for them: pressures surrounding alcohol, drugs, choices, and consequences. We recognize that our children’s need for independence grows as they do. And talking about touchy (棘手的) subjects can be especially difficult when teens tend to tune us out.

Driving a teen to meet his/her friends may seem like just another unpleasant thing, unless you recognize it as an opportunity to talk. Of course, you may have to get the conversation going. If you worry about losing control of the conversation, try to do something you both enjoy together, like cooking, hiking, or going to a concert or museum.

“Before I discuss topics like alcohol or drugs with my son,” one father says, “I do a little homework. Often it’s as simple as checking the phone book for hotlines or asking my doctor to recommend some pamphlets (小册子). If my son is not willing to discuss a touchy subject, I can still give him a number to call or an article to read. And, of course, I tell him I’m always available if he needs my help.”

Don’t start a personal attack or hold a family conference to open a dialogue on a tough subject. No matter how serious the subject is, it’s important not to be heavy-handed or much focus on your child.

Say you’ve read an article or heard about a troubling situation from a colleague or a friend. Share this information with your teenager; then ask his/her opinion rather than offering yours. Suppose you’re discussing AIDS, and you can arouse your children’s interest by asking: Do you believe it can’t happen to you? Do your friends discuss AIDS among themselves? What are some strategies to stay safe? When a teen feels that the two of you are exploring a subject together, he/she is likely to share his/her own thoughts.

51. What’s the purpose of the passage?

   A. To explain what tough subjects involve.

   B. To offer tips on how to talk about tough subjects.

   C. To show the importance of tough subjects.

   D. To give some examples of tough subjects.

52. In the first paragraph, the underlined part “tune us out” can be explained as “  ”.

   A. go along well with us        B. rely much on us

   C. understand what we said      D. pay no attention to what we said

53. According to the passage, the father mentioned may agree that   .

   A. parents should do certain research before talking about a serious subject with their children

   B. parents should avoid talking about such topics as alcohol and drugs with their children

   C. children should turn to their parents first if they need any help

   D. children should see a doctor or read a book if they meet with big heath problems

54. As for a tough subject, parents should avoid   .

   A. talking much about their children’s friends

   B. sharing information with all their family members

   C. choosing the formal way to communicate with their children

   D. being curious about their children’s opinions

55. In the case of discussing AIDS, what parents can do is to   .

   A. share opinions with their colleagues or friends

   B. inspire their children to express their ideas

   C. remind their children of the danger of it

   D. give their children as much advice as possible



Homework and exams can cause lots of stress and worry for people. What’s worse, homework worry and exam stress can be difficult to overcome. But talking about them can help.

Doing homework might seem like you’ll never come to the end of it, and it can be especially tough if you are having problems with understanding your homework or you don’t know what you are supposed to do. Not understanding something at first does not mean you are dull or stupid. So, you don’t need to feel ashamed to show that you don’t understand your homework. Everyone learns in different ways and you have to find a way that suits you. Not telling anyone won’t make it any better.

Talk to your parents or teacher about how you feel and ask them to explain it to you. They are there to help you and want you to do well. Although it might be scary, they should be able to help you understand it better and find a way of working that suits you. Instead of asking in front of everyone else, you can talk to your teacher privately.

There can be a lot of pressure on young people to do well in exams which can cause exam stress. All the revision (复习) you need to do might seem impossible. There are things you can do to make it a bit easier and feel better about everything that you have to do.

If you are worried about anything, talk to your school teacher or your parents about how you feel and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. There is nothing wrong with being worried about exams; it’s very normal. Remember, exams are important — but they are not the only key to a successful future.

46. According to the passage, homework worry and exam stress   .

   A. are difficult to describe       B. need much effort to deal with

   C. are impossible to control      D. make young people give up

47. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to “  ”.

   A. time spent doing homework    B. too much homework

   C. taking an exam             D. doing homework

48. The writer thinks that a student not understanding something at first   .

   A. sounds unusual             B. is quite normal

   C. happens to dull students only   D. is a shameful experience

49. Young students are advised to   .

   A. go over all they have learnt before an exam

   B. ask their classmates for help

   C. talk to their teacher about their problems in class

   D. find their own ways of studying

50. Why does the writer mention that exams are not the only key to a bright future?

   A. To help young people reduce stress.

   B. To tell young people a fact.

   C. To show that exams are not so important.

   D. To share his viewpoint with young people.


第二节 完形填空(共30小题;A篇10小题,每小题1分;B篇20小题,每小题1.5分;满分40分)


It happened several years ago. My friend whose family had a big motel asked me to do a part-time job. I   11   it because I had a long summer break and I was working mostly night shifts there.

One day around 2 a.m. in the night I   12   a car rushing into the parking lot with fire burning on the front of the car and it looked pretty   13  . It appeared it might explode and there were nearly 50 cars of the guests already in the parking zone. I quickly   14   to see what was happening. In the meantime, Ralph, the   15   of the car came out of the car. He looked around and immediately saw me and asked me to help. I looked at the   16   and immediately pulled out a fire extinguisher (灭火器) and ran towards the car and we began to   17   the fire. Within five minutes we put out the fire.

Then the police came and they said if other   18   in the parking lot had caught on fire it would have been a big disaster. Ralph   19   me and people who had known of the incident said I had done a   20   job. 

11. A. considered B. fetched       C. accepted     D. disliked  

12. A. guessed     B. saw          C. doubted     D. stopped    

13. A. busy       B. funny     C. strange     D. dangerous   

14. A. rushed     B. called        C. hoped       D. walked     

15. A. salesman    B. buyer        C. owner       D. maker      

16. A. situation    B. neighbourhood              C. pollution     D. construction

17. A. notice      B. fight         C. finish       D. press 

18. A. drivers     B. guests       C. materials     D. cars    

19. A. thanked    B. invited        C. encouraged  D. calmed     

20. A. useful      B. great         C. careful     D. proper


Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she   21   Abbey. She asked if we could   22   to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, she would be   23  .

I told her that we could, so she dictated (口述) these words:

Dear God,

Will you please   24   my dog? Abbey died yesterday and is with you in   25  . I miss her very much. I’m happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got   26  . I am sending a   27   of her so you will know that she is my dog.



Meredith put several   28   on the front of the envelope and then we   29   it into the letter box at the post office.

Yesterday, there was a   30   wrapped in gold paper on our front porch, with “To Meredith” in unfamiliar handwriting. Meredith   31   it. Inside was the book When a Pet Dies and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey   32   safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big   33   and I recognized her right away. Abbey isn’t sick anymore. Her   34   is here with me just like it stays in your heart.   35   we don’t need our bodies in heaven, I don’t have any   36   to keep your picture in so I’m sending it back to you in this little   37   for you to keep and have something to   38   Abbey by.

Thank your mother for helping you write to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her   39   for you. Remember that I love you very much.

  40  , I’m easy to find. I am wherever there is love.



21. A. hated     B. missed       C. passed       D. cured

22. A. phone      B. speak        C. write       D. go

23. A. recognized  B. treated      C. introduced  D. reminded

24. A. watch out  B. wait for     C. go over     D. look after

25. A. heaven    B. peace        C. reality      D. action

26. A. lucky     B. fat          C. lost        D. sick

27. A. picture    B. character     C. story       D. feature

28. A. notes      B. marks       C. notices       D. stamps

29. A. moved    B. dropped      C. divided     D. changed

30. A. blanket    B. book        C. parcel      D. present

31. A. found     B. managed     C. opened      D. brought

32. A. played     B. arrived       C. grew       D. returned

33. A. help      B. challenge     C. deal        D. step

34. A. wish      B. body        C. spirit       D. sense

35. A. Though                 B. When      C. If      D. Since 

36. A. pockets    B. stores        C. houses      D. cupboards

37. A. note      B. email        C. diary       D. book

38. A. realize     B. remember    C. report      D. regret

39. A. generally                B. immediately    C. especially     D. totally

40. A. Now and then             B. By the way     C. On time      D. At last


10. — Will you go to the park with me?

   — Not until I     my homework.

   A. will finish               B. will have finished 

   C. am finishing         D. have finished


9. As is reported, it snowed in Ili, Xingjiang in April,     peach and apricot (杏) flowers ruined.

   A. makes      B. making        C. made       D. to make


8. —     you are busy, let me do it for you.

   — That’s very kind of you.

   A. Even if     B. So that        C. Now that      D. Ever since


7. Being able to speak English fluently, he has no difficulty     with the foreigners.

   A. communicating             B. communicated  

   C. to communicate             D. communicate


6. My neighbor     away but I hope that we’ll still keep in touch with each other later.

   A. moves      B. moved        C. had moved     D. is moving 


5. Being tired makes     easier for people to get sick and to develop physical problems related to stress.

   A. it         B. that          C. this       D. them

