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Who are your favorite teachers? My classmates and I were asked this question on the first day at the university many years ago. It was a great way to begin my career in teaching—thinking about people in the profession who had the most positive (积极的) influence on me. We were asked to write down our answers. I thought of Sister Mary Margaret and Sister Mary Anne, who taught me in the kindergarten. I thought of Mrs. Padgett and Mrs. Kofford, English teachers, and Mr. Kutras, a history teacher, in high school. Then I thought of Dr. Lincoln and Dr. Campbell, history professors, and Dr. Kirk, an English professor, who taught me in college. Then came this question, “What do they all have in common?” My hand went up first and I said, “They all loved what they were doing. They had great enthusiasm (积极性) for teaching.” All of my fellow graduate students nodded their heads.

That was the right answer Dr. McSweeney expected. He said, “I ask these questions every year, and I always get the same answers.” He went on to explain that he opened with these questions because they were proved to make things have a good start, and they would make future teachers think about what separates the great teachers from the not-so-great. He said, “We all remember our favorite teachers—the ones who had passion (激情) and enthusiasm, the ones who loved and enjoyed what they were doing. I want each of you to become that kind of teacher. Always remember those special teachers.” It was a statement I never forgot during my thirty-five years in the classroom.

43. According to the passage, an excellent teacher should have   .

   A. much experience in teaching      B. a wide range of knowledge  

   C. passion and enthusiasm for teaching D. abilities to ask questions

44. The author thinks that teachers who are liked best by students   .

    A. live a positive life             B. are mostly women teachers

    C. teach very well             

   D. have positive influence on students

45. By starting with those questions Dr. McSweeney wished his students to   .

   A. become great teachers         B. enjoy his lesson

   C. remember him forever       

   D. tell great teachers from common ones

46. What can we learn about the author from the passge?

   A. He works in a university.          B. He is actually a teacher.

   C. He likes Dr. McSweeney best.   

   D. He was always the best student in school.



“The British and Americans are two peoples separated by a common language.” — Oscar Wilde

Though American English has become much different from British English, more and more British words and phrases are becoming common in American English. Here are some examples.


If there is anything Americans like, it’s a good word to express their great anger. For example, “It’s bloody cold out there! What a bloody and costly failure!” Bloody is now well accepted by most Americans. It’s a way of swearing (咒骂) in America.

Chat up

The British expression “chat up” for flirting (搭讪) is much gentler than the American expression “hit on”. That may be why more Americans are using “chat up” especially when talking about their own actions.


Before the first Harry Potter book came out, Americans only used the word ginger when referring to the spice (调味品). Ginger has almost always been a color as well as a spice for the British. Now more and more Americans are talking about “ginger cats” and “ginger hair”.

Sell-by date

More and more American members of the media are using this British term in place of the American term “expiration date” on which something, such as a license, is no longer in effect. American products are also using this term, which is a bit more descriptive than “expiration date”.

Spot on

In the 1970s, the American expression “right on” was popular, which had the same meaning as “exactly right”, but it has become out of date. Now, the British expression “spot on” has taken the place of “right on”.

39. The British will complain about the cold weather by saying “  ”.

   A. it’s bloody cold today         B. the weather chats up

   C. the weather has too much blood       D. what a bloody day

40. According to the passage, “a ginger cat” refers to a cat that   .

   A. enjoys eating ginger              B. has yellow fur

   C. smells like ginger            D. likes the color yellow

41. What does the “sell-by date” of the products mean?

   A. The price of the products.

   B. The rights that the producers should have.

   C. The date when the products are produced.

   D. The date after which the products should not be sold.

42. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

   A. English—a common language

   B. How does American English develop?

   C. British English is entering American English

   D. Differences between American English and British English



Michael wanted a bicycle. If he had a bicycle, he would not walk to school anymore. However, Michael’s dad was very poor and did not have much  16  . Instead, Michael got a book at last. Though he was a bit  17  , he didn’t complain to his dad.

One day while Michael was walking on his way to  18  , he saw a big boy on a bicycle. The bicycle was too  19   for the big boy.  20   the boy was turning around a corner, he  21   a tree on the street. The boy  22   on the ground.

To his surprise, the boy was William. Michael had seen him before at school. He was very popular. William seemed to have  23   his leg. Michael  24   William’s bike and rode to the nearby  25   to get help. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and brought William to the hospital. Michael quickly rode William’s bicycle to school so he would not be  26   for class.

After school, Michael  27   rode the bicycle to the hospital. William was not  28   hurt. He was allowed to  29   the hospital a few days later.

To Michael’s  30  , William got a new bike on his birthday and Michael could have William’s  31   bike. Michael was very  32  . From then on, Michael and William became good friends. He  33   William every day till William’s leg  34  . Since then they rode to school every day together  35  .

16. A. time       B. energy      C. money       D. patience

17. A. afraid      B. quiet       C. calm         D. sad

18. A. home       B. school      C. work        D. shop

19. A. heavy      B. light        C. small        D. fast

20. A. When      B. If          C. Unless       D. So

21. A. hit         B. met        C. cut          D. climbed

22. A. tried       B. fell        C. played       D. waited

23. A. burned      B. broken      C. moved       D. lifted

24. A. repaired     B. bought      C. picked up     D. got up

25. A. building     B. street       C. store         D. hospital

26. A. late        B. ready       C. sorry        D. bad

27. A. hardly      B. easily       C. slowly       D. quickly

28. A. exactly      B. simply      C. completely    D. seriously

29. A. leave       B. stay        C. check        D. reach

30. A. mind       B. heart       C. surprise       D. best

31. A. old        B. new        C. useless       D. special

32. A. proud      B. glad        C. angry        D. patient

33. A. helped      B. visited      C. missed       D. appreciated

34. A. suffered     B. touched     C. returned      D. recovered

35. A. bravely     B. lovingly     C. happily       D. gradually


15. — What do you think of the painting by Picasso?

   —    , it’s of value, but I can’t figure out what it means easily.

   A. I’m afraid      B. To tell the truth          C. Unfortunately     D. My God


14. When reading, you’d better make a mark     you have any questions.

   A. what        B. how      C. where        D. that


13. Up to now, no one knows     came first, the chicken or the egg.

   A. where        B. what      C. how        D. which


12. Kate, together with two friends,     a visit to the Great Wall this summer.

   A. is going to pay                B. are going to pay

   C. pays                       D. pay


11. The flight for Tokyo     off at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

   A. is taking       B. takes      C. is going to take   D. would take


10. The Olympic Games     much in the economic development of the host countries.

   A. are expecting to help        B. are expected helping

   C. are expected to help                  D. are expecting helping

