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Are African wild dogs really dogs? What’s the difference between African wild dogs and the dogs we know as pets? For one thing, African wild dogs, which live in Africa, only have four toes, while domestic (驯养的) dogs and wolves have five. But you won’t want to count for yourself, because they are truly wild animals.

“Wild dogs are not somebody’s domestic dogs that ran away and didn’t come back, although some people used to think that,” explains Dr. McNutt, who studies these animals at Wild Dog Research Camp in the African country of Botswana. “They are actually Africa’s wolves, and just like wolves, they do not make good pets. They need to be out in the wild doing what they are supposed to do — find the food they need to survive and feed their babies.” In fact, they travel so far that researchers have to use radio collars (颈圈) to keep track of them. The collars send out radio signals that tell people where the dogs are. No two wild dogs have the same pattern of coats, so it is easy to tell them apart.

African wild dogs are smart and sociable, like pet dogs. Adult dogs, male and female, are willing to take good care of young ones.

Millions of domestic dogs live on the planet, but there are probably fewer than 6,000 African wild dogs left. Humans hunt them, and farmers who don’t want them to go after cows and sheep poison them. Humans are also destroying the wild, natural habitat (栖息地) they need to survive in. Fortunately, today more farmers are finding other ways to protect their cows and sheep from African wild dogs instead of killing the animals.

61. Which of the following can explain why African wild dogs are different from domestic dogs?

   A. African dogs can live longer than domestic dogs.

   B. African dogs have fewer toes than domestic dogs.

   C. African dogs are much bigger in size than domestic dogs.

   D. African dogs are much more dangerous than domestic dogs.

62. In Dr. McNutt’s view, African wild dogs   .

   A. are a kind of wolves                B. can be trained as pet dogs

   C. actually are missing domestic dogs

   D. generally are not used to living in groups

63. What’s the researchers’ purpose of using radio collars?

   A. To know where African wild dogs go.   

   B. To play games with African wild dogs.

   C. To tell African wild dogs apart from other dogs.

   D. To prevent African wild dogs from traveling too far.

64. What suggestion does the author give in the last paragraph?

   A. Farmers should use domestic dogs to fight against wild dogs.

   B. African wild dogs should be protected instead of being killed.

   C. Farmers should take responsibility for feeding African wild dogs.

   D. African wild dogs should be used to protect farmers’ cows and sheep.

65. Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?

   A. How to keep wild dogs        B. How to train domestic dogs

   C. An introduction to African wild dogs

   D. Differences between domestic dogs and wild dogs



A suspected (可疑的) killer wolf caught by police is to be given a DNA test after a man said it was his pet dog, a husky.

The white animal was caught on March 23 at Nanshahe town in Tengzhou, Shandong Province, and identified (认定) by a local zoo as a 5-year-old she-wolf.

Police believed it was responsible for attacks on seven people, two of whom died.

But a local man surnamed Wang claimed it was his pet dog Lady that he had reared for two years, and it was gentle in nature.

“We have invited experts from some universities in Shandong, and they will professionally determine whether it’s a wolf or a dog,” a wildlife protection officer said on Monday.

Xing Hao, a local zookeeper, told reporters, “Its cry is like that of a wolf. Its tail is also straight, not sticking up like a dog, and its ears are upright. All these facts are in line with a wolf’s characteristics (特征).”

But Wang disagreed. “It’s not a wolf but my dog. I recognized her at a glance from a news photo,” Wang told China Daily.

“Her name is Lady and she is very gentle. I have raised her for nearly two years. At around 11 am last Friday, she ran away from home and never came back.”

Wang said he now works in another city in Shandong and was only told of events by friends on Friday night. “I recognized my Lady,” he said. “I hope I can get my pet back as soon as possible. During her capture (捕捉), she was hurt badly both physically and mentally. She’s very scared of people,” he said.

Wang has contacted local police and the zoo. “It’s quite understandable for local departments to do this, as they want to protect local people,” Wang said.

51. The local police caught the white animal because   .

   A. it was needed by a local zoo   B. it was like a wild dog

   C. it attacked other wild animals  D. it was a threat to people

52. What does the underlined word “reared” in Paragraph 4 mean?

   A. Trained.   B. Raised.   C. Bought.     D. Lost.

53. A dog is different from a wolf in the following EXCEPT   .

   A. its cry     B. its ears     C. its fur     D. its tail

54. According to the report, which of the following is expected to happen?

   A. The captured animal will be killed.

   B. The captured animal will receive a DNA test.

   C. The captured animal will stay in a zoo.

   D. The captured animal will be sent back to its owner.

55. In which section of a newspaper can we most probably read the report?

   A. Animals and society.      B. Culture and entertainment.

   C. Nature and culture.       D. Agriculture and customs.



There was a time when people used to communicate by writing letters to each other and sending them through the mail. As part of an elementary English class, students learned how to write different kinds of notes, which included the heading, body and closing in each. Among the different kinds they learned were the thank-you letters, which were common to send out for receiving a gift.

Today these are still the proper way to respond to (回应) receiving a gift. A thank-you letter should have the name and address of the person—it is going to be printed on the top of the page as well as the name and address of the person sending it. It should include the date the letter is being written and a friendly greeting as the opening line.

There are a number of reasons why people send thank-you letters. Some chances of giving the gift include Christmas, weddings, baby showers and birthdays. These are important events where the gift givers are usually present at a party. Even though you might thank your guests at some point during the party, it is still polite to send a card or a note some time afterward.

Other chances include hospital stays and funerals (葬礼). These are times when people send words and gifts of encouragement to the person with the illness or the loss. These people try their best to show how much they care and should be responded to with appreciation in the form of thank-you letters.

Creating your own notes to send through the mail does not have to be a tiring thing. If you have a computer and printer you can use different forms of words and pictures to make each one special to the person who will receive it.

46. In the first paragraph, the writer mainly wants to   .

   A. show the importance of notes  B. introduce the topic of this passage

   C. teach us how to write the notes              D. tell us how people used to communicate 

47. A thank-you letter should include   .

   A. a friendly greeting at the end               B. the date when you receive the gift

   C. the place that the person is going to

   D. the name of the person who sends the letter      

48. Your friends may send you a gift of encouragement when   .

   A. you are busy with your work  B. your birthday is coming

   C. you are ill in hospital        D. you are present at a party   

49. Different forms of words are used in order to   .

   A. show your sincere thanks     B. make your letter popular

   C. make the note easy to understand           

   D. show you are good at using a computer         

50. What does the passage talk about?

   A. There are different kinds of notes.  

   B. Receiving a gift is really happy.

   C. Sending thank-you letters is necessary.

   D. People should get on well with each other.



As you are growing and changing, you have more responsibilities and also more freedom to spend time with other people. While you may feel ready to make your own decisions about where and when to go, your parents will put limits on you. So you may find you are arguing with your parents more than you used to. The reason why your parents do this is that they care about you and want to protect you from danger.

Here are some tips for how to avoid and handle arguments with your parents:

[1]Discuss the rules ahead of time and not at the last minute. This way you will be able to tell what they will say yes or no to before you make plans. Your parents can also explain to you why each rule is in place. Ask them to give you the chance to explain how the rules make you feel and suggest what you think are right rules. Your parents may be willing to listen to your ideas and use them when making rules that you both agree on.

[2]Try to remain calm when your parents say no to something. You will show your parents that you are responsible and mature (成熟的) by talking instead of shouting.

[3]Spend time with your family. Some teens argue with their parents over the amount of time they spend with their friends. Communicate with each other and make some special family time so that you can all enjoy the time you spend at home. Suggest activities that your whole family will enjoy together such as going on a hike, taking a bike ride, or going to the beach.

41. Your parents limit your activity mainly because they   .

   A. are worried about your safety               B. are afraid it will affect your study

   C. think the thing you’ll do is bad              D. want you to be with them at home

42. We can learn from the passage that the right rules are those   .

   A. you have to obey         B. you and your parents have discussed

   C. your parents make        D. you and your parents can both accept

43. When your parents prevent you from doing something, you should   .

   A. argue with them                     B. control yourself 

   C. fight for your freedom                 D. not listen to them

44. What’s the purpose of the family activities in the last paragraph?

   A. To build up their bodies.                 B. To visit more places of interest.

   C. To make parents happy. 

   D. To make children and their parents get along better.

45. What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A. How to avoid arguments with your parents 

   B. Stupid rules parents make

   C. How to say no to parents’ rules 

   D. Responsibilities and freedom for teens


第二节 完形填空(共30小题;A篇10小题,每小题1分;B篇20小题,每小题1.5分;满分40分)


Sammy was a young boy who lived in a small village. His  11  days were filled with many  12  things. However, fishing was by far his favorite thing to do. Just about every day during his summer vacation, he would dig up some bait (鱼饵) and head off, a pole (鱼竿) in hand, for a day of  13 . This hot day was like most others during Sammy’s summer break.  14  early, he could hear the pond calling him to fish. Sammy quietly walked out of the front door, took his pole and bait bag, and walked into the woods to  15  bait. In two minutes he had all the bait that he  16  in the woods and he was at the pond soon. Sammy started his  17  at once. At the end of only an hour of fishing, Sammy  18  eight large fish. This was surely his best fishing day ever. He was so  19  of his work that, even though there was plenty of time left to fish, he threw the  20  fish over his shoulder and hurried down the road toward home to show off his catch to his mom and dad.

11. A. following   B. big         C. spring        D. summer  

12. A. important   B. difficult      C. interesting     D. strange  

13. A. studying    B. fishing      C. reading       D. waiting  

14. A. Waking    B. Leaving      C. Working      D. Playing  

15. A. give away   B. pick up      C. look after      D. search for 

16. A. needed     B. thought      C. remembered    D. missed   

17. A. work      B. game        C. plan         D. story  

18. A. discovered B. caught       C. bought        D. collected  

19. A. sure       B. careful      C. tired         D. proud  

20. A. beautiful    B. normal      C. heavy        D. clean


Before we went out on the ice, Mom helped me lace (用带子系牢) up my skates. Then she  21  her own. Mom and I had been coming to the rink (溜冰场) every  22  since my lessons began. That was our deal. I went to  23  on Tuesdays, and we skated together on Sundays.

When we were ready to  24  on the ice, Mom took my hand and put an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at Mom and smiled. She seemed  25  but still smiled back. I took a short gliding step (单脚交替滑行), and she stepped with me, holding my hand tight (紧紧地). We went across the rink very  26 . After a few minutes, we  27  in the center of the rink. I gently took my  28  back from Mom’s and glided slowly away.

While Mom stood still, I  29  the move my teacher taught me this week. I planted  one foot on the  30 , leaning forward a little. I slowly raised my back foot as  31  as I can behind me. I stopped and  32  a moment when some bigger kids skated quickly by. “OK, Mom. It’s  33 ,” I said. “In fact, there is  34  to be afraid of. Skating alone is no  35  than skating with me.”  

Then I did what my teacher did when he was teaching a  36  skater. “Watch my face, Mom,” I said. “Not your feet. Now, step.” She took a baby step and  37 . We stayed until Mom could skate across the rink three times by herself.  38  she was done, she glided over to me and gave me a big hug. “I  39  you could do it,” I said.

She smiled and said, “I couldn’t have done it without my excellent  40 .”

21. A. took off     B. put on      C. looked for     D. threw away   

22. A. Friday      B. day        C. year         D. Sunday  

23. A. lessons     B. parties      C. church       D. theatres  

24. A. dance      B. jump       C. skate         D. work   

25. A. nervous     B. surprised     C. angry        D. upset  

26. A. early       B. nicely       C. excitedly      D. slowly  

27. A. changed     B. stopped      C. started        D. fell     

28. A. bag        B. shoes       C. clothes       D. hand  

29. A. dropped     B. ignored      C. tried         D. forgot  

30. A. ice        B. floor       C. ground       D. grass   

31. A. long       B. high        C. low          D. near     

32. A. waited      B. spent       C. took         D. lasted

33. A. advice      B. support      C. news         D. time  

34. A. anything    B. something    C. nothing       D. everything  

35. A. easier      B. harder      C. better        D. happier   

36. A. tall        B. clever       C. young        D. new 

37. A. continued    B. left         C. sat          D. cried   

38. A. Before      B. Though      C. When        D. If  

39. A. remembered              B. knew        C. agreed   D. heard   

40. A. neighbor    B. student      C. teacher       D. boss


10. I don’t think it is a good idea to spend much time chatting online,   ? It’s a waste of time.

   A. don’t I   B. is it      C. isn’t it      D. do I


9. Professor Smith gave us a talk and suggested    English in and out of class.

   A. practicing speaking         B. practicing to speak   

   C. to practice speaking        D. to practice to speak


8. — What’s your    of Mike?

   — He is good-looking and full of energy.

   A. summary    B. attitude      C. topic         D. impression


7. When the letter I had been looking forward to    me at last, I couldn’t help crying.

   A. reach       B. reached     C. reaches      D. reaching

