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When I was sixteen years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time that I had been abroad. Like most English students, I learned French at school. I had been to France many times. But when I went to America, I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.

But actually, I was wrong! I was looking for a public telephone to give my American friend Danny a call and tell her that I had arrived. A friendly old man asked me if he could help me.

“Yes,” I said, “I want to give my friend a ring.”

“Well, that’s nice,” he said. “Are you getting married?”

“Who is talking about marriage?” I thought. “I only want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived. Can you tell me where there’s a phone box?”

“Oh!” he said, “there’s a phone downstairs.”

When at last we met, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.

“Don’t worry,” she said to me. “I had so many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which Americans use differently in meaning from the British. You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say. But most of the time British and American people understand each other!”

46. Before visiting the United States, the writer thought    .

   A. he would have no problem with language      

   B. he would not understand Americans

   C. he couldn’t express himself well

   D. he would have difficulty at the airport

47. The writer wanted to    .

   A. buy a ring for his friend      B. make a call to his friend

   C. ask the way               D. play a joke on the man

48. In the last paragraph, the word “they” refers to    .

   A. the old man and the boy      B. Americans

   C. the British               D. the French


第四节 完形填空 (共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


In the summer of my junior year in college I took a job as a door-to-door salesman for the Fuller Brush Company. My mother had just  26  a long battle (战斗) against cancer, and I  27  to earn enough money to have a photo of her turned into a painted one to give to my  28 .

What I earned depended entirely on what I  29  and there were no guarantees (保证). Things went  30  at first, but then I fell into great  31 . Hardly anyone was at home and those who were just weren’t buying anything  32  me at all. What’s worse, some people were very  33  and often closed their doors in my face impolitely.

It seemed that I had to  34  my job, but something my father used to tell me over and over  35  me: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I had always repeated the  36  and suddenly I got it.

I realized that every  37  chance in life would stay behind closed doors. They would never open  38  I knocked on them. I came to know that if I couldn’t keep the confidence and be  39  to knock on more doors, I would never  40  it. What’s more, I could probably learn more from these  41  experiences.

After a few months, I  42  enough to buy the painted picture, and gave it to my dad. Now it  43  next to another one of my dad in their house.

I’m so  44  that my dad taught me to persist (坚持) and so grateful that I learned that an important part of character is to just keep  45 . It is surely helpful in my life.

26. A. won       B. seen        C. lost          D. missed   

27. A. chose       B. hated       C. refused       D. wanted 

28. A. friend      B. father       C. brother       D. grandmother 

29. A. sold        B. bought      C. lent         D. kept  

30. A. slowly      B. badly       C. ahead        D. well   

31. A. hope       B. power       C. difficulty      D. danger 

32. A. on         B. from       C. for          D. with  

33. A. rude       B. kind        C. shy          D. poor  

34. A. prepare for   B. pick up      C. give up       D. worry about  

35. A. protected    B. stopped      C. saved        D. questioned  

36. A. answer      B. plan        C. advice        D. words  

37. A. meaningful               B. peaceful      C. painful   D. cheerful  

38. A. while       B. unless       C. though       D. after  

39. A. clever      B. open        C. kind         D. brave  

40. A. remember   B. solve       C. make        D. take 

41. A. unpleasant   B. interesting    C. important     D. common   

42. A. spent       B. collected     C. wasted       D. earned  

43. A. covers      B. hangs       C. drops        D. comes  

44. A. excited      B. sorry       C. glad         D. puzzled  

45. A. knocking    B. flying       C. standing      D. changing


25. — Let’s meet at the school gate at 10 o’clock.   

   — All right. See you then. 

   A. Take it easy.              B. It’s up to you.  C. Come on!    D. That’s settled.


24. Feed your horse with enough food if you want it to run fast. The same is true    your brain.

   A. of         B. as         C. to           D. at  


23. I was so tired after working in the garden for two hours, so I stopped   a rest.

   A. having      B. to have      C. having had    D. to have had


22. Our English teacher, Mr. Li, is good at    jokes, so he is popular with the students. 

   A. talking      B. speaking     C. telling        D. saying


21. — Has Jane bought a new bike?

   — Yes.   , it is quite similar to yours.

   A. In fact     B. As a result   C. In other words    D. In the end


20. Mike is really   ! I don’t think I’ll get    working with him in the same office.

   A. amusing; boring           B. amused; bored

   C. amusing; bored            D. amused; boring


19. — How about a drink?

   — I’d rather    something to eat. I’m hungry.

   A. to have     B. have        C. having       D. had

