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5. In some places women work out to earn money _______ men stay at home and raise their children. 

   A. so                   B. while       C. because      D. though 


4. Every day read an article aloud several times _______ you remember it. 

   A. since     B. when      C. why        D. until   


3. My iPhone 5 _______. It hasn’t been used for two days.   

   A. doesn’t work             B. didn’t work 

   C. don’t work              D. wasn’t working


2. Linda was the first _______ the top of the mountain. 

   A. reach     B. reaching      C. reached      D. to reach  



1. — How are you getting along with your study?

   — _______.

   A. Quite good               B. It’s all right                    

   C.  Pretty well            D. Not at all



随着社会的发展,空巢老人越来越多,他们需要我们更多的关爱。请仔细观察下面的漫画,并以“What to do on the weekend?”为题,用英语写一篇作文。


1. 简要描述漫画的内容; 2. 分析漫画所反映的问题;3. 提出你的看法。

注意:1. 可参照图片适当发挥;2. 词数120左右。




You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. I’ve learned that through my personal experiences. A few months ago, I woke up deaf in one ear. I did not pay much attention to it at first. It felt that I had water in my ear. However, I began to hear less and less out of that ear. I even had to ask people to talk into my other ear so that I could hear them. I didn’t realize how serious it was until late in the day (为时太晚). One evening, when I was sitting on my bed doing chemistry homework, I fell off my bed. When trying to get up, I was incredibly dizzy (头晕的).

I went to see a doctor and he told me that hearing loss was common. However, hearing loss is usually bilateral, or occurs in both ears. He said that my hearing should come back within a week. After about a week the dizziness eventually went away, but the hearing loss did not. The medicine helped and I gained some of my hearing back. After many hearing tests, the doctor diagnosed (诊断) that I had permanent hearing loss in that ear.

School became harder for me because I couldn’t hear my teachers. I was very depressed. Finally, I bought a hearing aid. With the hearing aid, my hearing is almost back to normal. It makes school and group conversations easier.

My friends, teachers and even complete strangers always ask me questions about hearing loss. I answer them patiently. I never get offended because I know this is new to them. I am delighted that I can teach them something new.

What I have learned from this particular situation is that when things are desperate, there is always something good that can come out of it. My experiences have given me an opportunity to teach people about hearing loss and also taught me about the value of hearing.

51. What happened to the author?

   A. He is born deaf.

   B. He becomes deaf in a traffic accident.

   C. He woke up deaf in one ear one day.

   D. He becomes deaf due to taking some medicine.

52. The author fell off his bed when    .

   A. getting up from bed

   B. doing his homework

   C. waking up from a dream

   D. wearing his clothes

53. The underlined word “bilateral” in Paragraph 2 probably means “    ”.

   A. speaking two languages

   B. happening on one side

   C. losing one or more senses

   D. involving two sides

54. From the text we can infer that    .

   A. the author’s hearing loss was cured after the treatment

   B. the author is unwilling to talk about his hearing loss with others

   C. the author took some medicine to treat his hearing loss

   D. the medicine that doctors gave him didn’t work at all

55. At present, the author is    .

   A. desperate      B. optimistic     C. depressed   D. angry



Here’s one new mom with lots of experience — at least 62 years old. On February 3, a Laysan albatross (黑背信天翁) named Wisdom hatched a healthy chick on a Pacific island near Hawaii. It was the sixth year in a row this bird had hatched a chick.

What makes Wisdom so special is that her species normally lives only 12 to 40 years. So not only has she outlived most other Laysan albatrosses by at least two decades, but also remained productive and able to hatch healthy chicks in her 60s.

To track a wild bird, biologists often wrap a long-lasting, numbered metal band around one of the bird’s legs. Scientists can then recognize a particular bird every time its band comes into view. Chandler Robbins first banded her leg in 1956. At the time, this biologist from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated that she was already at least 5 years old.

Once reaching breeding age, Wisdom and her kin (亲属) return each November to a tiny Pacific island to breed. At breeding time, the Laysan albatross will scratch out a shallow nest in the ground. A female then lays a single egg. Both she and her mate will take turns incubating (孵化) the egg until it hatches. More than seven out of every ten Laysan albatrosses nest on just one island—Midway Atoll. That’s Wisdom’s home.

Wild albatrosses often die long before they come close to Wisdom’s age. Some are eaten. Others starve to death, get sick or suffer life-threatening injuries from the gears used by fishing boats. Keeping track of such long-lived birds offers scientists an opportunity to learn much about how these animals reproduce, especially late in life. Since she was first banded, Wisdom may have reared as many as 35 chicks.

47. What makes Wisdom special?

    A. She becomes the oldest bird in the world.

    B. She often flies to a Pacific island to nest.

    C. She hatched a healthy chick at a very old age.

    D. She can hatch a healthy chick almost every year.

48. In Paragraph 3, the writer tells us    .

    A. when the albatross hatched its first chick

    B. how scientists know the albatross’ age

    C. why the albatross lives such a long life

    D. why scientists are interested in the albatross

49. What do we know about Laysan albatrosses’ breeding habits?

    A. They begin to incubate eggs in October.

    B. All albatrosses like nesting on the same island.

    C. A female albatross hatches one chick each time.

    D. Male albatrosses are not responsible for incubating eggs.

50. What is the best title of the text?

    A. An albatross outlives most of other albatrosses

    B. An albatross attracts scientists’ attention

    C. An albatross hatched a healthy chick at 62

D. An albatross was seen again 56 years later



Only about 30 percent of people in the US know how to perform CPR (心肺复苏术). Recently, a 9-year-old boy showed a Georgia woman how to perform CPR on her newborn baby.

Susanna Rohm said she had experienced a parent’s worst nightmare (噩梦) — her 2-month-old son, Isiah, was not breathing. “I noticed he looked pale. I looked at his arms and his legs and they were limp (无力的),” Rohm told a local newspaper. “Then I noticed that he looked like he wasn’t alive.” In dismay, she dropped and broke her cellphone. Rohm had to run into the street, screaming for help.

“I had him in my arms and screamed over and over. Then I ran outside. I saw two boys playing across the street, and I yelled, ‘Go and ask your parents to call 911,’” Rohm said. But the two boys were able to do more than that. Nine-year-old Ethan Wilson took action, showing Rohm how to perform CPR on little Isiah while ten-year-old Rocky Hurt helped as well.

Rocky said he had learned the CPR technique from a poster in a health class at their school, Sedalia Park Elementary. “I was thinking we’d better give her a helping hand instead of getting scared,” Ethan said. “I told her to push on the baby’s chest five to ten times a minute with only two fingers, tilt back the baby’s head, plug the baby’s nose and breathe into the baby’s mouth,” Ethan said in an interview.

At last, Isiah began crying and was breathing again. He spent two nights in a local hospital. “If the little boy hadn’t shown me what to do right there, my baby would probably not be alive right now,” Rohm said.

43. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that in the US,    .

    A. CPR is considered important by most people

    B. most children are taught how to perform CPR

   C. many parents don’t know how to perform CPR

    D. kids must learn how to perform CPR on babies

44. What does the underlined word “dismay” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    A. Panic.       B. Anger.      C. Excitement.   D. Joy.

45. What did Rohm do when she saw the two boys?

    A. She asked them to call 911 as soon as possible.

    B. She asked them to teach her how to perform CPR.

    C. She asked them to ask their parents for help.

    D. She asked them to help her perform CPR on her baby.

46. What Rohm said in the last paragraph shows that she was    .

    A. grateful      B. regretful     C. surprised     D. ashamed

