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16. A. breaking    B. drawing      C. putting       D. moving


15. Hunan TV, popular among youngsters, airs a show named “X-change” ______ many people are talking about these days.

   A. who        B. whom      C. what        D. 不填

Section B (18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

One day Cimabue, a famous painter, was walking through a part of Italy where many sheep were eating grass. He saw a boy   16   something on a rock with a stick. The boy was so interested in his   17   that he didn’t see Cimabue. Cimabue bent over and looked. It was the picture of a sheep, and it was drawn so well that Cimabue   18   it in surprise.

“What is your name, my boy?” he said. The boy jumped to his feet, looking up at Cimabue. “My name is Giotto,” he answered.

“Would you like to   19   with me, Giotto? I would teach you how to draw pictures,” said Cimabue. The boy was very   20  . “I’d like to learn so much!” he answered, “But I must do as my father says.”

The father was   21   when Cimabue offered to take Giotto to Florence and teach him. But   22   he agreed.

In Florence little Giotto   23   very fast. One day Cimabue was painting a picture of a man’s face. Night came on before he finished it. “I’ll leave it till morning,” he said, “Then the   24   will be better.”

In the morning, when Cimabue looked at the picture, he saw a fly on the man’s nose. He tried to brush it off, but it   25   there. It was only a painted fly. “Who has done this?” he cried angrily and yet he was   26  . Giotto came out from a corner, trembling and ashamed. “I did it,” he said, “It was a good place for a fly, and I never thought of ruining your   27  .”

He expected to be punished but Cimabue only praised him for his great skill.                   


14. During the Spring Festival, Chinese people ______ door gods (门神) on gates, but now few families do so.

   A. used to put up              B. used to putting up

   C. were used to put up         D. were used to putting up


13. According to the media, after the museum opened to the public, the number of visitors received every day reached 30,000 ______.

   A. in all        B. at all       C. in addition     D. on average


12. Do you know the girl ______ spoken English is so excellent?

   A. its         B. that       C. which     D. whose


11. She made a great discovery in her research, which ______ her a good reputation in the world.

   A. earned       B. supported   C. achieved      D. drew


10. It seems that Chinese students devote much time and energy ______ a high score in the exam.

   A. to get        B. to getting     C. in getting        D. for getting


9. In the hotel, a SPA Center and a gym are provided for guests ______ want to keep fit.

   A.不填         B. who       C. whom       D. which


8. ______ bad weather stops him, my grandfather takes exercise outdoors every morning.

   A. If         B. Since        C. Unless       D. Though


7. China has the world’s largest population of university graduates, so providing them with jobs is really a ______ for the Chinese government.

   A. struggle       B. function        C. purpose      D. pleasure

