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Being a doctor was the aim of my life. I chose science in high school. It was far away from my home city and traveling alone every day wasn’t considered possible. It was not in my fate to be a doctor, so the second choice I considered was to become a teacher.

I always loved helping my younger brother and sister with their studies which in turn helped me in mine. The love and care provided by my teachers and the support of my parents made me what I am today. It has been 24 years, but each day is as new and fresh as the first. Each day has so many memories.

Students look so lovely when they share their problems with me whether they are about studies or about home. I learned a lot in the process of solving their problems. I always wanted my students to feel comfortable with me, take me as one of them and not treat me like a stranger. I gave my students what they needed and did not force them to do anything. Meeting with old students makes me feel alive. The brightness in their eyes gives me happiness and it keeps me going. Teaching has given me pleasure and satisfaction.

Life should be all about gaining and giving away knowledge. Parents should particularly pay attention to their children exploring their hidden talents. They should take proper care of their diet as they depend on them and if not it will inhibit (抑制) the children’s abilities. Learn about your kids; take care of them and their activities. Make them read books as it leads to creativity.

1. The writer chose to be a teacher because    .

   A. he wanted to be a teacher when he was young

   B. he thought it impossible for him to be a doctor

   C. he loved to teach science in high school

   D. he had to follow his parents’ advice

2. The writer advises parents to    .

   A. teach their children as much as possible

   B. make their children depend on themselves

   C. let their children do any activities they like

   D. pay attention to their kids’ health and abilities

3. What can we infer from the text about the writer?

   A. He enjoys teaching his students. 

   B. He stays with his students all day long.

   C. He seldom meets with his old students. 

   D. His students treat him like a stranger.


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



1. 在居住区玩耍时主动与同龄人交流,结交新朋友;

2. 跟随家长到公共场所、课外或周末参加各种活动、郊游等;

3. 保持良好心态。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









第三部分 写作共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My new life in senior high school has began. And I want to tell you something about my new school life and study.

My favorite teacher is Mr. Li. She teaches us English. He is very handsome and he’s also very strict to us. I think we can make many progress with him. My new classmates came from all over the province and they are very friend to me. We have a lot after-school activities, such as playing basketball, reading books in the library but surfing the Internet. And we also learn Chinese, English, math, physics, chemistry in the class. I hope you can come to visiting our school so I can introduce my new friends to you.


46. ________   47. ________   48. ________   49. ________  50. ________


41. ________   42. ________   43. ________   44. ________  45. ________


第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)


Jack used to miss his classes very often. One day, the teacher decided to drive him away.    16  

Jack arrived just as the teacher was about to go for lunch.

“Is this the time to come?” said the teacher seriously.

“I’m sorry, sir,” said Jack, “but I got to school very late today.    17    

“Some gold coins?” said the teacher with his eyes wide open. “Oh, what are you going to do with them?”

“I decided to build a large house, and buy lots of land and several sheep to keep,” said the student. “    18    

The teacher was pleased and invited Jack to eat with him. The young boy enjoyed the food but the teacher hardly touched his food.    19   

“I hope you’ve kept the gold coins in a safe place,” the teacher said.

“I never got a chance to do that,” said Jack. “It disappeared when my mother shook me awake.” 

“What?” shouted the teacher. “You mean it was all a dream?”

The young boy said, “Yes.” The teacher tried to control his anger.

“I’m happy you remembered me in your dream,” he said. “I hope you remember me when you really get some gold coins.    20   

When the young boy had left, the teacher remembered why he had sent for him.

A. Now please leave.
B. So he sent for the young boy.
C. I am sorry for what I have done before.
D. I found some gold coins in the street.
E. He was wondering how much Jack would give him.
F. He was too angry with the young boy’s words to speak a word.
G. I also decided to give you some for the trouble you have taken in teaching me.



There was once a king who had a wise advisor. The advisor followed the king everywhere and his favorite piece of advice to the king was “Everything happens for the good.”

One day the king went hunting (狩猎) and had a small accident. His foot was injured. Fortunately he was not badly injured but as always he was forced to ask his advisor what he thought about the accident, to which the advisor replied, “Everything happens for the good.”

This time the king was really angry and put his advisor in prison (监狱). The king then asked his advisor, “Now, what do you think?” The advisor again answered, “Everything happens for the good.”

About a week later the king went on another hunting trip. As it turned out the king was caught by some cannibals (食人者) and taken to their camp where he would be prepared to be their evening meal. Before putting him into the cooking pot, he was examined and the cannibals realized that the king’s foot was injured. They decided to throw him back into the forests. It is the tradition for the cannibals not to eat anything that was in any way injured.

It is true that everything in our lives happens for a purpose, and most often for our own good. If you think about it, all our past experiences actually happened to bring us to where we are today and make us a better person. So whatever challenges that we may face today, consider it happening to bring us to the next level.

12. The second paragraph tells us that    .

   A. the advisor didn’t have much useful advice

   B. the king was always careless about everything

   C. the advisor was worried about the king

   D. the king always asked for advice from the advisor

13. When the advisor was put in prison, he remained    .

   A. calm       B. nervous     C. angry        D. upset

14. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that    .

   A. everything happens for their own reasons

   B. it is good for us to think about experiences

   C. our life experiences are our best teacher

   D. challenges will make you do anything

15. By telling the story, the writer    .

   A. tells us the danger of hunting

   B. asks us not to hunt any more

   C. wishes us to follow others’ advice

   D. wants us to think positively



Britney, 21, will never forget the day her grandmother told her she could never be President. Britney was young. She saw the White House on TV. “I’m going to be President,” she said.

“You can’t do that,” her grandmother said. She added that if Britney wanted to work at the White House, she could only do the cleaning.

Britney saw things differently. She didn’t give up her dream. Instead, she wrote a poem. The poem showed that she could realize her dream.

Britney isn’t the first person to deal with unfairness or disappointment by writing. Many writers have done the same thing. Reading poems gives Britney ideas for her writing. One of her favorite poets is Langston Hughes. Hughes was one of the first African-Americans to make a living by writing. Hughes published (出版) his first poem in 1921 when he was 19 years old. He wrote many of his works during the 1920s and 1930s. Back then, African-Americans were kept out of many schools, jobs and neighborhoods. Hughes wrote poems about the difficulties African-Americans faced at that time. He also wrote about his hope for a better fairer future.

Many people, not just black people, read Hughes’s works. More Americans learned how hard life was for black people. Slowly, things began to change. Today young poets like Britney are sharing their own messages. Britney herself is moving forward. She’s now a student at Howard University in Washington, D.C. She plans to work in the government and still hopes to become President. “I just want to help people,” she says. With her thoughtful words, she already has helped many people.

8. What do we know about Britney’s grandmother?

   A. She taught Britney to write poems.

   B. She worked as a cleaner in the White House.

   C. She didn’t believe Britney’s dream could come true.

   D. She always felt disappointed at Britney’s poems.

9. What made Britney decide to write poems?

   A. Her grandmother’s words.    B. Hughes’s encouragement.

   C. Reading other writers’ poems. D. Studying at Howard University.

10. We can infer from the passage that Hughes    .

   A. earned his living by teaching poems

   B. didn’t publish his first poem until 1920

   C. created many of his works in his forties

   D. influenced many Americans besides Britney

11. The writer writes this passage to    .

   A. show the power of writing

   B. introduce a girl loving writing poems

   C. compare two African-American poets

   D. encourage readers to write poems

