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39.The local government plans to bring in new laws ______ parents to take more responsibility for their children’s education.

    A.forced         B.forcing         C.force          D.having forced


38.- How was the televised concert last night?

   -Terrific! Rarely _______ such a large audience.

    A.a concert attracted                B.did a concert attract 

    C.a concert did attract               D.attracted a concert


37.Liu Xiang’s performance at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix has told his fans a fact _____ he has been back on winning track.

    A.when          B.that           C.whether        D.which


36.Around 15,000 officials gathered in Copenhagen, trying to map out an effective strategy ____ the battle against climate change.

    A.to win         B.will win       C.winning       D.won


35.It cost me a fortune,but I don’t regret ______ a year traveling around the world.

    A.to spend       B.to be spending    C.spending       D.spent 


34.It will be sad not to see you during the Christmas holiday ______families get together

    A.before         B.when          C.that           D.since


33._________by many different kinds of dancing, Martha Graham developed her own personal dance style.

    A.Influencing      B.Influenced      C.To Influence     D.Be influenced


32.-Would you please keep quiet, Sally? The weather forecast _______.

   -Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize it.

    A.is broadcast                     B.is being broadcast

    C.has been broadcast                D.had been broadcast


31.We can never expect a bluer sky ________ we create a less polluted world.

    A.until           B.if             C.unless         D.when


30._________ flying is more expensive than land and sea travel, I went there by air to save time.

    A.Even though     B.If           C.As          D.In case

