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4. He is not a Chinese. He is a J______ .


3. She likes g______ to the movies with her friends.


2. Where is your pen pal f______ ?


 A. 根据句意及所给的首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. Chinese is too d______ . I don’t like it.


A: Look at this map. What’s in my neighborhood?

B: Let me see. There     a school, a     ,a bank, a park and a library  in your neighborhood.

A: That’s right. Where’s the bank?

B: It’s     the school and the post office, and it’s          the library.

A: Yes. You’re standing at A. Go     the Avenue and turn left. Go     .What can you see     your right?

B: Er…I can see the     .


5.The English club is next to the library.

The English club is     the library.


4.Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?

Excuse me.          get the post office?


3.Turn right and go straight along the Bank Street.

Turn right     go straight      the Bank Street.


2.The video arcade is across from the bank.

     is the video arcade?


1.There are some cars on the street.

     there     cars on the street?

