0  225162  225170  225176  225180  225186  225188  225192  225198  225200  225206  225212  225216  225218  225222  225228  225230  225236  225240  225242  225246  225248  225252  225254  225256  225257  225258  225260  225261  225262  225264  225266  225270  225272  225276  225278  225282  225288  225290  225296  225300  225302  225306  225312  225318  225320  225326  225330  225332  225338  225342  225348  225356  447090 

8.    Dogs are ___________ (友好) and intelligent.


7.    There are many yellow _____________ (树叶) on the tree.


6.    Please enjoy the ___________ (城市) quiet streets and small parks.


5.    I know you are __________ (到达) next Sunday.


4.    There are three _________ (图书馆) near here.


3.    My friends come from different c___________.


2.    He is not a Chinese, he is a J__________.


1.    Chinese is too d_________, I don’t like it.


(Lilei gets an e-mail  1  Jack Wilson. Jack is a student in Canada. He wants to  2  Chinese.)

Dear Li Lei,

My name is Jack Wilson. I  3  from Toronto, Canada. I am 13 years old. I’m a schoolboy. My favorite subject is  4  , because I like playing sports very much. There are 19 students in  5  class. My classmates are from six countries, but they are  6  to each other. My parents are from France. They  7  French. I speak English and French.

I know China is a great country. I want to make friends  8   China and I want to learn Chinese,  9  I don’t have any Chinese textbooks. Could you  10   me?

Please write back soon. Thank you.

Jack Wilson.

1. A. for              B. to              C. from          D. of

2. A. teach             B. learn            C. like           D. know

3. A. go               B. do             C. come          D. live

4. A. PE              B. science          C. math          D. history

5. A. his              B. your            C. my           D. their

6. A. bad              B. happy           C. interesting      D. kind

7. A. speak            B. tell             C. say           D. talk

8. A. on               B. at              C. in            D. with

9. A. so               B. and             C. or            D. but

10. A. give            B. help            C. write          D. leave

