0  225623  225631  225637  225641  225647  225649  225653  225659  225661  225667  225673  225677  225679  225683  225689  225691  225697  225701  225703  225707  225709  225713  225715  225717  225718  225719  225721  225722  225723  225725  225727  225731  225733  225737  225739  225743  225749  225751  225757  225761  225763  225767  225773  225779  225781  225787  225791  225793  225799  225803  225809  225817  447090 

6. A. call      B. see       C. look     D. listen


5. A. either     B. again      C. too      D. also


4. A. news     B. ways      C. things    D. answers


3. A. carry     B. bring     C. give     D. send


2. A. pleased    B. no use      C. interesting  D. unusual


1. A. our home   B. the traffic    C. a factory   D. the world


20. I have to go now. Please remember to      the lights when you leave.

A. turn off             B. turn down

C. turn up             D. turn on


Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050.

"What will  1  be like in the year 2050?" asked Tom.

"I don't know," said Fred. "What do you think?"

"Well, no one knows. But it is  2  to guess," said Tom. "In the year 2050 everybody will  3 a pocket (袖珍)computer. The computer will give people the  4  to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets,  5  .

 And we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we'll be able to   6  them at the same time. Machines will do  7   of the work, and people will have more  8  . Perhaps they will work 0nly two or three days a week.

 They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there."

 "I'm very  9  to hear that. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I'll be able to live  10  ," said Fred. "Won't that be interesting? Just like a fish."


19. In our city, it's      in July, but it is even      in August.

A. hotter, hottest         B. hot, hot

C. hotter, hot          D. hot, hotter


18. The      now is that we have lots of      to ask.

A. problem, questions       B. question, problems

C. question, problem       D. problem, question


17. Look at that book on the desk. It     yours.

A. maybe    B. can       C. may be   D. must

