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Best wishes to you !                                Yours                                  LiLei 


Dear  Tom




A: __1__ does your school start?

B: Our school ___2__ at 8:00.

A: What’s your favorite __3___?

B: I like English __4___.

A: Could you give me some advice on how to learn English?

B: I think the __5__ way to learn English is to use it.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: You are welcome.

1______ 2_______ 3______ 4______ 5______

Lesson 10答案


1. Can you help my friend with his homework? 2. A 3. A 4. What did you see Wang Lin doing when you were back home yesterday? 5. D


A) 1. be short for 2. the best way to learn English 3. help……with 4. be tired 5. physical education 6. make……do 7. except  8. have math exam

B) 1. Have you made five kites yet?

2. How do you always feel?

3. Don’t write to me soon.

4. We talk about our favorite teacher every morning.

5. What does Ms. Liu give us in English class?

C) 1---5 BADAC






Brian is doing  6   now. He’s working hard at school. He is happy in Canada.

 This week, he got to know  7   neighbourhood. On Monday, Jenny walked to school  8   him and she showed him her favourite places. There  9   a bakery near his house. He can buy bread there.  10   his way to school, he can buy books at the  11  . He thinks  12   is not easy to live in a new neighbourhood. Yesterday, he  13  . A young woman helped him  14   his way. Tomorrow, he  15   buy a map of the city. He will keep it in his backpack. Then he won’t get lost again.

6.(   ) A. good B. well C. happy

7.(   ) A. he   B. him    C. his

8.(   ) A. with   B. and    C. except

9.(   ) A. has   B. is     C. was

10.(   ) A. At   B. On    C. In

11.(   ) A. shop  B. bakery  C. bookstore

12.(   ) A. this   B. it  C. what

13.(  )A. lost his way B. lost his street  

 C. lost his bag

14.(   ) A. finds  B. find   C. found

15.( ) A. is going to B. goes to C. went to


1. Does he have a lot of free time this week?

A. a lots of B. many  C.some  D. much

2. My father makes me skate on Sunday.

A. let  B. lets  C. get to  D. get

3. She often gives me some good advice on how to learn math well.

A. gives some advice me  B. give some good adive to me  C. gives some advice me 

D. gives some good advice to me

4. He has helped my brother learn math for a week.

A. helped my brother learning

B. helped my brother  with 

C. helped my brother to learn

D. helped my brother to learning

5. Danny is good at English.

A. do well in  B. do in  well

C. does well in  D. does in well


2. When astronauts (宇航员)Fei Junlong,

Nie Haisheng came back from space, many

reporters interviewed ________ and got some

first-hand information.

A. they   B. them C.  their D. themselves


1.  Let me ____ with you. 

A. to walk  B. walking  C. walks  D. walk

